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About akhim

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  1. Who we are... The 77th ID has only just been formed by two friends who are looking to have fun playing ArmA tactically and realistically but not incredibly seriously. We're not that young, but we aren't exactly adults, and we won't expect you to be adults either if you want to enlist. Simply sign up and I'll get you started. We only ask that you're mature, you don't troll around, you can follow orders, and you are willing to play tactically. The 77th ID will use a public TS3 channel, though trolls will not be a problem as we have permissions to remove them. This is to enable others to find our group easily and join up and have some fun. I'm not limiting this group to US only, but for probably the next month we will not have a dedicated server and so will be hosting off of an east coast US computer. If this is a problem we will easily work it out. Also, we do not follow strict US military rankings and detachments. This is simply a game and is intended to enable players to have fun while shooting bad guys and playing smart and tactically. What we do... The 77th infantry division is tasked with retaliation against insurgent, guerrilla, Taliban and Al-Qaeda uprisings as well as counter-drug operations in areas such as Takistan or Fallujah, law enforcement in volatile and dangerous areas, and humanitarian objectives such as building schools and delivering vital supplies and food to remote villages. Our missions in-game will comprise of mostly things of that sort, as the 77th ID is a ground troop involved with the ground engagement of hostile troops and not for special operations, though we are known to assault hostile positions stealthily as well as participate in missions such as hostage rescue or sneaking around and performing reconnaissance. How to enlist... We have a public TS3 channel. The reason it is public is to encourage many others from different games to come and try out ArmA II and experience this amazingly refreshing and exciting experience alongside our members and hopefully they'd be tempted to enlist and try it out seriously. TS3 IP: Find the channel marked "77th Infantry Division" near the bottom of the list and speak to a channel admin or operator.
  2. echelonts.tk http://www.echelongaming.tk/ Who we are... ESF is tasked with defending areas such as third world countries, slums, or countries at war that are looking for mercenaries. ESF is widely known as a mercenary platoon, though we are not simply mercenaries. As our numbers grow and grow we find ourselves moving to places like Takistan and Fallujah to defend the citizens alongside the UN and police outfits against guerrillas and insurgents in an effort to maintain peace and stop civil wars from escalating into massive conflicts. How we came to be... The Echelon Security Force was formed in 2001 by the eccentric oil executive by the name of Mr. Ward in Jeddeh, Saudi Arabia. It has grown swiftly into a mercenary regiment and made a name for itself, its efficient tactics and ruthless execution of its contracts gaining more popularity and drawing customers. His aim behind the forming of ESF was primarily for peace-keeping and tranquility to prosper in the "barbarian-like countries". Relations... United Nations: ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ Takistani Army: ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ ION PMC: ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ BLUFOR/US: ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ Russians: ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ Armament & training... ESF operates with a range of weapons such as the KSVK anti-material rifle, the American-made XM8 rifle and its several variants, the AA-12 assault shotgun as well as many variants of the M16/M4 assault rifle. Training for these weapons as well as combat readiness and skills will be presented to all operators. We regularly train our members on the use of weapons, tactical methods and how to generally be a bad-ass while doing it effectively and performing our goals. How to join... By adding Akhim Muhammed on Steam or joining our Teamspeak 3 server at echelonts.tk, you can enlist in the ESF and help us defend those poor, poor Ugandan children. Keep in mind when joining that we are indeed a tactical force that isn't primarily for roleplay but we do encourage the use of roleplay and "in-character" type of chatter while in-game and in an operation.