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About greenygh0st

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  1. greenygh0st

    Fireplace and Heli

    In the init of the Fireplace enter: this inflame true and it will start lit. :)
  2. greenygh0st

    Create a Underwater Task

    Anybody at all have any ideas on this?
  3. So I am trying to set a task "waypoint" to be under water at a downed osprey wreck. For whatever reason the marker is always placed at the surface of the water. So far I have tried this: marker1 = createMarker ["Marker1", [(getPosASLW osprey select 0), (getPosASLW osprey select 1), (getPosASLW osprey select 2) - 20]]; ...and this: marker1 = createMarker ["Marker1", (getPosASLW osprey)]; Here is the task creation, which works fine minus the vertical position issue: task1 = [(leader seals),"taskID1",["Retrieve Device.","Retrieve Device.","Retrieve Device."],marker1, true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; Any ideas?
  4. greenygh0st

    Dynamic Dive Team Script

    Thanks for the ejection snippet. I have done ejection scripts before but yours is very streamlined. The reason I am trying to work around ejection scripts is because in the alpha only the ka-50 (60?) seems to support ejection. So i geuss im wondering why would the transport unload waypoint work?
  5. greenygh0st

    Dynamic Dive Team Script

    That would be easier. But this is sort of a testing script for another idea I was working on where if a player is detected that a helo team will respond dynamically to the players location. So if this works then I can easily make that work. :)
  6. I am working on a script that will dynamically sent a helicopter team to the players location after he complete an objective. The problem is for some reason the helicopter completes the "TR Unload" waypoint without unloading. Here is my code so far: //init groups _HeloPilotGroup1 = createGroup east; _HeloDiveTeam1 = createGroup east; //helo _diverHelo1 = createVehicle ["O_Ka60_F", position diverHeloStart_1, [], 0, "NONE"]; _diverHelo1 allowFleeing false; //pilot _diverHeloPilot = _HeloPilotGroup1 createUnit ["O_helipilot_F", Position diverHeloStart, [], 0, "FORM"]; _diverHeloPilot moveindriver _diverHelo1; //dive team _diverGHelo1 = _HeloDiveTeam1 createUnit ["O_diver_TL_F", Position diverHeloStart, [], 0, "FORM"]; _diverGHelo1 setUnitRank "COLONEL"; _diverGHelo2 = _HeloDiveTeam1 createUnit ["O_diver_F", Position diverHeloStart, [], 0, "FORM"]; _diverGHelo3 = _HeloDiveTeam1 createUnit ["O_diver_F", Position diverHeloStart, [], 0, "FORM"]; _diverGHelo4 = _HeloDiveTeam1 createUnit ["O_diver_F", Position diverHeloStart, [], 0, "FORM"]; //load dive team {_x moveincargo _diverHelo1} foreach units _HeloDiveTeam1; //create helo waypoints wp123_1 = _HeloPilotGroup1 addWaypoint [getpos insertion_1, 0]; wp123_2 = _HeloPilotGroup1 addWaypoint [getpos insertion_1, 0]; wp123_3 = _HeloPilotGroup1 addWaypoint [getpos diverHeloStart_1, 0]; wp123_1 setwaypointtype "MOVE"; wp123_2 setwaypointtype "TR UNLOAD"; wp123_3 setwaypointtype "GETOUT"; //create dive team waypoints wp456_1 = _HeloDiveTeam1 addWaypoint [getpos insertion_1, 30]; wp456_1 setwaypointtype "GETOUT"; wp456_2 = _HeloDiveTeam1 addWaypoint [getpos insertion_1, 30]; wp456_2 setwaypointtype "MOVE"; wp123_2 synchronizeWaypoint wp456_1; Any ideas?