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About groo1981

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  1. groo1981

    Release - Arma 3 Report Viewer

    Good Job! Thank you very much.
  2. No problem friend. Have nice playing.
  3. You mean in Muliplayer?
  4. UPDATE! v1.1 Minnor changes and BugFixes! CO04_Partisans
  5. Rebel Cause: Partisans v1.1 by Groo I made this short mission using scripts from the net and some code of my own. This its stable enought to share with you guys. Any comments or Ideas are welcome. Cheers ... Features: Intro Movie (Can be disabled in parameters) Interactive NPCs 2 Side Missions and 1 Main Mission Revive (Grimmer Revive) Scripts I used: Zenophon's Framework 8-5-15 Grimmes Revive among others... Video Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E53b7PZe0LQ&feature=youtu.be Fun for playing with friends. EDIT: Mission had some errors I uploaded the fixed one. Armaholic mirror: Rebel Cause: Partisans On Google Drive: Single Player Version: https://goo.gl/qyRJYk COOP 04 Players Version https://goo.gl/RPo7fW
  6. Hi, I need help with the script bellow. It's an assassination mission and I think the problem is in the Trigger but I can't figure out how to solve it. // Side mission for kill an Enemy Officer // Parameter 1 - Position Array // Parameter 2 - Marker Name // Parameter 3 - Side 0-East 1-West // By Groo _posArray = _this select 0; _mkrName = _this select 1; _newSpawnpos = getmarkerpos _mkrName; _sideAdjustTarget = switch (_this select 2) do { case 0: {east}; case 1: {west}; case 3: {GUE}; default 0; }; _sideAdjustTask = switch (_this select 2) do { case 0: {east}; case 1: {west}; case 3: {GUE}; default 0; }; //SetOfficerUnit = { // OfficerUnit = _this Select 0; //}; private ["_newGroup","_triggerKill"]; // Create the target _newGroup = createGroup east; Officer = "B_officer_F" createUnit [_newSpawnpos, _newGroup,"Removeallweapons this;this disableai ""MOVE""", 0.9, "COLONEL"]; sleep 1; // Create Mission Task [west, ["taskKillOfficer", "Kill the enemy Officer", "Kill the Officer", "",markerpos "mkrKillOfficer"] ] call FHQ_TT_addTasks; //waituntil {!alive OfficerUnit}; _triggerKill = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_newSpawnpos]; _triggerKill setTriggerArea [1,1,0,true]; _triggerKill setTriggerActivation ["NONE","NOT PRESENT",false]; _triggerKill setTriggerStatements ["!alive Officer","",""]; _triggerKill setTriggerType "NONE"; _triggerKill; sleep 1; waituntil {triggeractivated _triggerKill}; hint "Mission Suceeded"; ["taskKillOfficer","succeeded"] call FHQ_TT_setTaskState; deleteVehicle _triggerkill; //deletemarker _mkrName; The unit spawns but when Killed nothing happens... could someone help me? Thanks in advance.
  7. Good Evening, I'm editing a mission for Multiplayer and its almost finished and ready to play. I'm new to this editing thing and this is far I can go until now. I'm reading and collecting information to improve my editing technique. My goal now is to have better knowledge of triggering and manipulating the AI to act as NPCs like VIPs, Sellers, High Commanders, etc. Well. I'm looking into the FSM thing... But, I'm not sure if it is the right think to focus right now. I would really apreciate if someone more experienced in the thing give o look in my work and tell me where I'm doing right and were I have to improve. And of course if possibly share with me some solutions. This mission has two issues and cant fix... The FSM Script support called by radio 0-8-1 should be avaiable only to the Team Leader named s1 for my mission. For some weird reason, sometimes the Team Leader s1 is teleported to the location of the Hostage (obj3). And this is really frustrating as I have no ideia why it happens. I thank you In advance for your advice! My Best Regards, Groo ---------- Post added at 20:15 ---------- Previous post was at 20:14 ---------- Link to the mission file: Link to the Mission File: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8lfmX67uZNibk00c25MZzlUbmM/edit?usp=sharing