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About vintxrgr

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  1. hey guys, I lurk on the forums everyday but never post, I am looking for a large group of people to play arma 3 with that is very active. I think my biggest credential other than playing online games my whole life (8 of my 20 years) is that YES I KNOW THAT INVENTORY IS THE "I" KEY AND "G" IS THE GRENADE KEY!!!!!!!!!!!! as you can tell I am very fed up playing with noobs,greifers,hackers and just all around idiots. I am looking to play on a password server, game type is no issue I love both PVP and COOP. I played arma 2 for around 1 year and I play with militarygaming.com group occasionally but there are never any people on the server. I know how to lead, follow and get out of the way when needed. I know how to properly use a microphone and that I do not need to scream to be herd, and not to leave it on creating feedback... I am hoping to find a mature group of like minded individuals that want to work as a team to complete objectives Im not the best shot when it comes to CQB but you can learn how to shoot better, you cant fix stupid. please reply and tell me about your squad, details such as daily active members, most frequent type of game play, rank info, etc.
  2. I am running a AMD A4-3305mAPU with radeon HD graphics, normally runs at 1.9, runs at 3.0 overclocked. arma2 without the OC runs at about 30-40FPS for me at medium-high settings with reasonable view distance I have not tried A2 with the overclock, but im assuming a large gain. i think as long as this old laptop will pull up a slideshow of the game at minimum ill have something to work with. also yes I just overclocked my laptop, seeing 4 hours till A3 makes a man crazy enough to slap some coldpacks under his laptop, I was even thinking I might hook the shopvac up on blow and make a "hoodscoop" for my pc :D