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About katsopolis

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. If you are looking for an Exile server that runs something other than Chernarus, give the BFC Lingor server a look. https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ It just went live December 2, so there aren't any super bases or groups that have a countless amount of poptabs. Performance might be the best of any Exile server I've played on (I've seen a steady 60 FPS instead of my usual 40 on other servers). It is, from what I can tell, the only North American Exile Lingor server. I'm not affiliated with BFC at all, just a normal player that would like to see the server pop rise some on this new server.
  2. About me: 30 year old living in U.S. Eastern Time Zone with about 250 hours logged with ARMA 3. I've played in a couple other squads already, but both ended up dissolving while I was still an active participant. What I'm looking for: A squad that has at least one operation a week on either Friday or Saturday that starts at 7pm EST or later. Due to that, I'm most likely looking for a squad based in the EST or CST time zones. Would like for the squad to regularly get 20+ members on for an operation. I've been apart of smaller squads before and am looking to join up with something more large scale. What I can offer: I can take orders and have experience leading fire teams as well. I like playing a variety of roles and styles. I have fun getting into a fire fight, but I also can have just as much fun observing a target and being told not to shoot. I also have a few friends not in a squad that will most likely join with me. What I'm not looking for: Ultra milsim. No calling people by their rank or 'yes sir, no sir' talk. I don't mind training, but nothing so extensive where it prevents me from playing for a month or something. No strict attendance policy. Please send me a PM if you can offer what I'm looking for.
  3. katsopolis

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Okay, cool. Do you know why that one guy kept getting a 'waiting for the server to give a unique' error? No one else was getting that error.
  4. katsopolis

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    By store to you mean keep a radio saved in a loadout? We can still retrieve radios from the VAS and it will work properly?
  5. katsopolis

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    What exactly does that mean?
  6. katsopolis

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Here is a problem that my squad has been having whenever we use this mod. I load a loadout. The 152 radio is radio #11. Another player loads his loadout. Sometimes he will have the 152 radio #11 as well. Whenever he changes the channel, he changes mine. Whenever I change the channel, his channel changes. It seems like every time we use the mod, out of 10+ people there will be a couple people with duplicate radios causing comms chaos. Should this happen? If so, what is the fix? It seems like if I load a loadout, then choose a 152 from the VAS, the mod creates a new unique radio that isn't a duplicate. But I have to do that every time I load a loadout and then change the frequency or channel. When I choose a radio from the VAS, should I choose the generic radio or the 152. It seems like if I choose the generic one, sometimes I get the 152 and sometimes I get one that isn't. If this is the fix, I had a player recently tell me he can't get radios from the VAS. It gives him a message that says "Waiting for the server to give a unique...". We always had to drop a radio on the ground for him to use.
  7. Squad name:- Utopia Rangers Timezone/location : North America (mostly EST and CST time zones) Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Mostly coop with a bit of PvP here and there Contact email: PM me here Short description: Casual ARMA group that plays scheduled events weekly on Fridays and Saturdays. No ranks, no mandatory trainings, just jump in and play. Language: English
  8. We are the Utopian Rangers (UR). This squad currently consists of over 35 members who casually play ARMA 3. Most members have careers, significant others, and families. When we play ARMA, we like to have fun and not get bogged down with the ultra-realistic milsim game play that many squads employ. That does not mean we ignore real life military tactics altogether. Instead, we use the ones that actually enable us to be more effective against the enemy. For example, we use realistic loadouts and formations when traveling. However, we ignore milsim aspects that some squads use just because the real life military does, such as the correct way to talk on the radio. We do require that you be at least 18 years old. You will need to install the mods that we use and have a mic. We also have an ARMA forum if you are interested in being more vocal in the direction of the group, but you do not have to join if you don't want to. We can offer you the following: -No ranking system. As a 30 year old grown man, you don't need to call a 16 year old “sir†in this squad. No one will yell at you. Everyone is on equal footing and has an equal voice. Prior to an event, we discuss as a group what kind of mission we want to play. During our events, we like to rotate who calls the shots and who leads fire teams each time we play. This way everyone gets a chance to see what it is like to play each role. -No required training or hoops to jump through. If you need training with any of the mods, the real life tactics we use, or are just brand new to the game and don't know how to play, we can provide that on an as needed basis. We do feel the best way to learn is to just play, not stand and listen to someone talk for 45 minutes, which is how many milsims train. Our ARMA forum includes several YouTube videos and websites that you can watch or read at your leisure to better learn how to play. -No mandatory attendance. We would like you to be a regular but we realize real life happens and won't freak out if you are absent for a period of time. We would like for you to be able to play a scheduled event at least once a month. -One scheduled gaming event per week, either Friday or Saturday at 9pm EST. At the moment, we have been getting 12-14 players for these. All current members are from North America and most reside in the Eastern or Central time zone. Events usually last at least three hours. If you need to show up late, that is perfectly fine. If you need to leave early, no problems there either. Some of us also play during non-scheduled times as well. You can see if we are in-game by joining our Steam group or hop on Teamspeak. What we do NOT want: -Players that use unrealistic, overpowered gun mods that destroy everything in sight. We have loadouts for all the roles saved in the VAS. We would like you to use these when you first start playing with us. This allows you to learn what we consider a realistic loadout. We are not married to these loadouts, so if you like something that is realistic added, we can discuss that. We have more fun losing a mission and tweaking our plan of attack the next time than just winning it because we blew everything up and the enemy is obliterated. The feeling we get when we overcame the odds against a more powerful enemy is quite a rewarding feeling. -Players that don't want to work as a team or can't take some direction from members that have been playing with us for awhile. These senior members know how we like to play and can show you the ropes. Upon first joining, you will need to play and listen to whoever is your fire team leader. After a couple times of playing and you show us you can play like we do, you can definitely take on some more leadership. If how we play doesn't end up interesting you, we won't take offense if you let us know and leave. Our forum has other PC gamers that do not own ARMA. They are always interested in playing other games with our members though. Recently, we have played Planetside 2, Payday 2, DayZ, and Chivalry as a community. You are more than welcome to join playing these games with us as well. If you made it through reading all that, congrats. That is 100% who we are and what we stand for. If you join, you won't be surprised by anything. If interested, PM me. We don't feel the need for an application or anything like that. We can have a quick chat and get you set up with the mods ASAP.
  9. katsopolis

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    So it would be safe to just drag the TFR userconfig folder into the root A3 folder?
  10. katsopolis

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Looking at the NFO game server folder, there is not a userconfig folder. Just config.
  11. katsopolis

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Looks like this could be a problem ErrorMessage: Include file userconfig\task_force_radio\radio_keys.hpp not found. Do I put the userconfig folder in where I put @task_force_radio?
  12. katsopolis

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    I'm trying to get this to work on my NFO game server. I've added launch parameters, the @task_force_radio folder to the FTP, and placed the two bikeys in the Keys folder. However, when I try to start the server, it never comes up. Am I doing something wrong? I got the server mod CBA and other client side mods to work. I set this mod up just like I did with CBA. Do I need both bikeys in the Keys folder? I tried only having one in there and go the same error.
  13. katsopolis

    New NFO Game Server Issues

    Will do. I'm starting to get things working I believe. I got the newest version of CBA now on the server (told everyone to get this), with keys for TMR, Blastcore, and JSRS. I can play a game and all mods seem to be working, so I'm making progress.
  14. katsopolis

    New NFO Game Server Issues

    I did contact NFO. I was emailing them and after sending a couple messages back and forth, it basically ended as "our knowledge of 3d party addons is limited." I put this post on their (not very active website) and here. Seems like it is up to me to figure out the problem. Initially I couldn't connect at all without mods or a mission loaded. It just said, "You were kicked from the game." It wasn't until I loaded a mission and CBA until I could connect. I didn't test with a mission and without CBA because I knew the mission I had selected needed CBA. I removed the @CBA from the launch parameters (kept the @CBA folder in the directory and the keys in the Key folder) and I can connect and play a BI mission (addon free). I'll see if others can as well. This is what I have. It is just a game server. Not a VDS or dedicated box. https://www.nfoservers.com/game-server-features.php Is that Dedicated Server Tutorial thread pertinent to me if I just have a game server? Once a few can connect, I'll get the server, them, and me on the most recent CBA and see what happens.
  15. Just got an ARMA 3 game server from NFO. Warning, I'm a complete novice at this. Initially, I couldn't connect and got a generic "You were kicked from the game" error. After troubleshooting, I finally was able to connect after adding the CBA mod to the server and enabling only the CBA mod on my game profile. I added some missions and everything seemed to work fine. I could play the game. But I now have two new issues. First, I can't get the server to start with another mod. When I tried adding one more mod, the server would not start. I'm fairly certain I set up these new mods exactly like I did with CBA. I stopped the server, added the @mod to the ARMA 3 directory so it was with @CBA, added the mod keys to the Keys folder, added a launch parameter, which looked like "@CBA;@tmr;" and started the server. I tried several other mods and had similar results. Second, some guys are having problems connecting. I have no problems and another guy had no problems. Several other guys were immediately kicked. They only had CBA enabled, just like me. I tried with verifySignatures set to both 1 and 2 and the results were the same (what should that be set to, by the way). Here is an error on guy was getting: "files...(file name here)... are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional keys." After he disables all of these files and tries to log in to the server again, he receives a message telling him that, "you have been kicked from the server." I'd appreciate any input with either of these issues.