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About dangermouse

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  1. Hey again, I came back to making my mission using this script and I still can't get the BIS_Steerableparacute's to work, am I doing something wrong?. This is what i'm putting in my init.sqf while {true} do { waitUntil {alive player}; [air1,Dan,1] execVM "Daponboard\Scripts\Onboard\Loadgroup.sqf"; [air1,2000] execVM "Daponboard\Scripts\Onboard\AIPilot.sqf"; player setVariable ["BIS_STEERABLEPARACHUTE",1,true]; waitUntil {!alive player}; }; can anyone help or suggest something else could try?. everything else works perfect!!!
  2. sorry to drag this up people , I'm having an issue with getting the; player setVariable ["BIS_STEERABLEPARACHUTE",1,true]; to work in ACE, it works fine in OA any ideas? I have tried placing it in the editor init line and misson.sqf and it just won't work with Ace! Any help greatly received.