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Everything posted by armazingerz

  1. Yesterday I published a thread complaining about the matter that worries to a lot of players: the cheaters. And a few hours later it's closed. It's fcking unbelievable. Bohemia, further than don't fix it or at least apologize about it, now even forbid the players to complain. This is completely UNACCEPTABLE, a huge SHAME. I'm on my right to complain, of course I'm, I've paid for a product and it's not working. This is the thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?145438-Useless-BIStudio I was answered with the same bullshit: use last version and battleye. Of course I play with the last version and there is battleye in every server, it just DOESN'T WORKS. The only way to keep safe a server is whitelisting or banning every one of the goddamn cheaters ONE BY ONE IN EVERY SERVER (if there is any admin when it happens), what makes impossible any kind of public server playable. Of course, there was some Bohemia groupies to tell me to look for communities and private servers. I have responsabilities, I don't want to waste my few spare time looking for communities, whose servers may be empty, or playing some mod that I'm not looking for, etc... I want TO PLAY. Some people even think that's a servers problem. It's NOT. We are not paying to the servers, we are not paying to Battleye, we are paying a SOFTWARE, even the servers are paying THAT SOFTWARE. It's responsability of the only people who's earning money, the developers, to fix it for EVERYONE, instead of aim to the servers to fix the problem by themselves one by one.
  2. armazingerz

    Do ArmA Firefights Exsist?

    I guess it's much harder to aim someone when you have to hold on a 4 or 5 kg rifle
  3. armazingerz

    Useless BIStudio

    I bought Operation Flashpoint, ArmA, and ArmA2. No longer. I won't buy ArmA3 as long as you don't make something with the goddamn cheaters in ArmA2, I swear you. I've been playing this games since 2001, I thought they were special, different, and it was. But now it is completely unplayable, it's plenty of cheaters everywhere, or fcking teamkillers, or both. Your public, your buyers, requires a solution. NOW. Not tomorrow, not in the fcking ArmA3, NOW. I fcking don't care ArmA3, I've already paid for this game, and I want to use it. We deserve a solution. Don't talk to me about 1.62, or about private communities, or about the fcking BattleEye, I've all the stuff, but anyways I've to be able to play in a public server. It's your responsability and no one else. Do something, ban permanently all that people like Blizzard, whatelse, but DO SOMETHING USEFUL with this plague. I've never seen a game so plenty of cheaters.