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Everything posted by CommanderJordan

  1. CommanderJordan

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    OMG, Finally! Thank you Major_Shepard!
  2. thank you so much! Praise da` lord!
  3. Will this come out for ArmA 3? Please tell me you will make it for arma 3!
  4. I downloaded ArmA Alpha, I ran it as admin and everything. Then. After it initializes it has a black screen then goes back to the desktop and a pop up comes up saying "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered" Display driver Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 7 ® stopped responding and has successfully recovered!" I try running ArmA again and it says its already running, SO CTRl + ALT + DELETE and stop the processes. EDIT: all right, I verified the game cache.... time to run the game. hope it works... EDIT: didn't work. I have no idea. I have HDD Integrated Graphics. COMPUTER: HP P7-1226s. ---------- Post added at 17:29 ---------- Previous post was at 17:20 ---------- No one can help me?
  5. I am having a huge problem, I joined the 1st ID. They told me to download Ace and ACRE mods. I downloaded Ace fine. But then I had trouble downloading ACRE. So some 1stID members tried to help me out. They told me to download six updater and six launcher and ArmA II launcher. They tried everything. Here is another problem. When I try to join games. It either doesn't load. But what happens. is it loads. the little loading bar. It then go to a black screen. then it starts again. It keeps doing that. Is there anyway I can COMPLETLY DELETE EVERYTHING OFF ARMA AND MY MODS? Thanks, I REALLY NEED HELP! :( Bug? When I start ArmA AO, I get a little "ding" every 2-3 minutes!
  6. Like, what's the difference? What do the two do? Which is better?
  7. Okay, so I am kind of new to editing and the editor and finally I am just barely getting into the scripts. Does anybody know where there is a guide to create an insurgency map?
  8. CommanderJordan

    ArmA 3 Black Screen/Display Drivers Stopped Working?

    BUMP - It's been like months and still no help, c'mon! Anyone got a fix? EDIT - 1:08PM 4/21/13 OMG! THANK YOU SO MUCH TRUENORD! IT WORKED OMG! MAN I LOVE YOU! <3
  9. CommanderJordan

    Arma 3 Alpha won't start

    all who have intergrated graphics, i believe i have found an answer! If you run arma 3 and you get an error message saying the display drivers have stooped and have recorvered. This is because you need a better graphivs card!
  10. CommanderJordan

    ArmA 3 Black Screen/Display Drivers Stopped Working?

    I have integrated graphics.
  11. CommanderJordan

    ArmA 3 Black Screen/Display Drivers Stopped Working?

    Yes, I can run ArmA 2 and OA completely fine. And, My friends on TeamSpeak said the my integrated graphics were BETTER then the minium system requirments. Help anyone? ---------- Post added at 18:01 ---------- Previous post was at 18:01 ---------- And I don't even no what zoom alarm is! ---------- Post added at 18:03 ---------- Previous post was at 18:01 ---------- No, I do not use Zoom Alarm
  12. CommanderJordan

    5th Special Forces Group

    What's the website, the other one isnt working!
  13. Alright, Does anybody know if the EVGA nVidia GeForce 9800GT run ArmA 2/3 on at least medium settings? It's a good price range and seems like its a good graphics card!
  14. Hey Guys, New to the forums! Anyway, Does anybody know a good graphics card that could run ArmA 2 and soon 3 on medium settings? I currently own an HP Pavilion P7-1226s, This Tower is really good, it can run ArmA 2, but only on very low. New year, I have a lot of things planned. I want to get a lot of money by working my butt off! So I can buy a lot of gaming equipment! I really want to try and get my youtube channel at least more popular! http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?objectID=c03152250〈=en&cc=us&taskId=101&contentType=SupportFAQ&prodSeriesId=5187022&prodTypeId=12454 Above is the link to my tower that I own. I am looking into nvidia geforce graphic cards or AMD graphic cards, preferably from the 6000 series on the AMD side. Thanks! :bounce3:
  15. CommanderJordan

    A Good Graphics Card To Run ArmA II On Medium?

    I am on a budget of atleast 80 dollars, so :/