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About Perfer

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  1. Perfer

    There needs to be a server queue function.

    That's what I'm thinking about this! I don't want to use "other" programs/mods for joining Arma 3 servers. It's really that hard to make queue for like 5-10 players who want to join full server? It's always problem to join with friends to the best servers because sometimes it takes a lot of time and u always must be "active" on server list. That would be really helpful if this would be more "AUTO". I think it isn't really hard to implement in server browser. Greetings! Perfer
  2. Hello! There's any possibility to transfer ARMA 2 and ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead to STEAM platform? I have cd-roms(dvd?) and key's but it's a lot simpler when You're not worried about that You forgot cd-roms(dvds?) after You failed in installing mod and You need to reinstall game :p Greetings, Perfer