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Everything posted by callmesarge

  1. callmesarge


    Thanks for the replys guys. @Delta99 - The initial squad sizes were five man, this is default in ACE Insurgency 1.50. What else should I show in order to help here? Where would the 2 digit factor be defined, any idea? @ Harzach - Pretty sure I have done this, please see example below: Anything else I can try? Its no biggie If I can't sort this, I will just knock the squad sizes back to 5 man. Thanks for the input.
  2. callmesarge


    Hi guys, I have hit a problem whilst trying to edit ace_insurgency1_50.lingor for ArmA 2. I have increased the squad sizes to be 12 men each (this is because i play with a large group and we are all pretty new, so the green diamond indicators are a big help. Also we get shot all the time, hence more medics!) I did this by editing the mission sqm, and by updating the defines. Examples below. The issue I am having is that any squad member i have added in addition to the existing squad members cannot clear grids. So Hitman 111 clears grids fine, but Hitman 116 cannot. I have searched around but could not find an answer - can anyone help please? I am new to editing, and am really just trying to figure stuff out as I go along. Mission SQM extract for adding squad members: Defines edit from the common folder
  3. callmesarge


    Thanks Gunter - that has helped me clear up my issues - and of course, I have another question! I was playing insurgency on 6th Airborne, and noticed they have modified the base extensively, adding HESCO walls and additional vehicles. I know I can modify the Vehicle spawns though description.ext, but how would I go about adding more base structures? Any advice you can give to point me in the right direction would be appreciated. Many thanks CMS
  4. callmesarge


    I have just started playing insurgency with my clan, its great! We are having trouble with the gear at base though - it seems to be missing some ACRE radios, and ammo for the Javelin, etc. 2 Questions: 1. Do I fix this by editing common\client\gear\AmmoCrate.sqf? 2. The quantities are defined by the value "_amountWeapon" - how can I modify the amount? Apologies if these questions are stupid, I have only just started playing :)
  5. callmesarge

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    Of course man, real life should always come first! And with updates, they are done when they are done. Your gonna make a lot of people happy man, keep up the awesome work!
  6. callmesarge

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    Hey Tonic, how are the updates coming? I can't wait to get a technical Mortar going, will be so cool! Here is another Vid, 30 mins of idiocy on ARMA.RU #10, with a little time on the new Sweclockers Celle version as well:
  7. SaMatra wasteland gets better and better! The 30 mins below was mostly filmed on ARMA.RU Wasteland #10, big shouts out to everyone on that server. (The Celle segments are on the Sweclockers version). Keep up the great work!
  8. callmesarge

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    It sounds awesome! how would it work?
  9. Sa-Matra, I am loving your version of the mission. Question, as Tonic seems to be making updates, will they appear in your version? Keep up the excellent work, and here is a wasteland vid I made:
  10. callmesarge

    The Shooting Range 2 by [MIC] Murcielago

    What a great mission, I love it, thanks for your hard work Mic! A mortar range would be great too!
  11. callmesarge

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    Wasteland has taken over my life. I had never played ARMA before dayz, but now I cannot stop playing wasteland. I love the mission, has provided me with some of the most satisfying gaming experiences to date. I am making regular YouTube compilations of of our (inept) operations, please find the latest link below. I cannot wait to see how the latest versions play out. It's a shame the code base is so fragmented, having it as a centralised entity would make it much easier to promote to new users.
  12. callmesarge

    Military Humor

    Thnking about wasteland at work, calls to mind the Seventy Maxims of maximally Effectiver Mercenaries - we can learn alot from that book: The Seventy Maxims 1. Pillage, then burn. 2. A Sergeant in motion outranks a Lieutenant who doesn't know what's going on. 3. An ordnance technician at a dead run outranks everybody. 4. Close air support covereth a multitude of sins. 5. Close air support and friendly fire should be easier to tell apart. 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. 7. If the food is good enough the grunts will stop complaining about the incoming fire. 9. Never turn your back on an enemy. 10. Sometimes the only way out is through. . . through the hull. 11. Everything is air-droppable at least once. 12. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head. 13. Do unto others. 15. Only you can prevent friendly fire. 16. Your name is in the mouth of others: be sure it has teeth. 17. The longer everything goes according to plan, the bigger the impending disaster. 18. If the officers are leading from in front, watch out for an attack from the rear. 20. If you're not willing to shell your own position, you're not willing to win. 21. Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Take his fish away and tell him he's lucky just to be alive, and he'll figure out how to catch another one for you to take tomorrow. 27. Don't be afraid to be the first to resort to violence. 28. If the price of collateral damage is high enough, you might be able to get paid to bring ammunition home with you. 29. The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less. 30. A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go. 31. Only cheaters prosper. 34. If you’re leaving scorch-marks, you need a bigger gun. 35. That which does not kill you has made a tactical error. 36. When the going gets tough, the tough call for close air support. 37. There is no 'overkill.' There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload.' 38. Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients. Take from Howard Tayler at SchlockMercenary dot com.