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Everything posted by callmesarge

  1. callmesarge

    CO 4-8 ZEN Insurgency Chernarus by WmD

    Sorry, I should clarify - I could not get them to work due to my ham-fisted implementation and total amature approach! Beerkan helped me understand how to use them properly. I will edit the mission notes and post next week to reflect this, sorry Iceman! Yeah, you are right. first mission and all, I did not figure this out ahead of time. I looked into just using AGM but was unable to get it to work the way I wanted so I left it like this. I will look at this for a future update. I originally built it on the A3MP map, but then ported to AiA mid way through the build. Porting it back should be as simple as in-packing the PBO, swapping the map and re-exporting the mission - feel free to do this if you want to.
  2. callmesarge

    CO 4-8 ZEN Insurgency Chernarus by WmD

    Hi Speedy, Did you try Vanilla or modded? If you tried modded, did you have the correct Mods installed? If you do not have the latest version of TRYKs uniforms (he updated last week), then you will get naked units. Edit: And if you delete Farroqs out of the init, it will default to AGM Medical.
  3. I finally released my mission - what I thought would take a week or two ended up taking be 3 months, but I learned so much, thanks to this thread - thanks again Zen! http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?185113-CO-4-8-ZEN-Insurgency-Chernarus-by-WmD
  4. Figure out thr RHS faction thing - it needs to go like this: _enemyGroup = [_spawnPos, ENEMY_SIDE, AI_SKILL, [4,8], "rhs_vehclass_infantry", "rhs_faction_msv"] call Zen_SpawnInfantry;
  5. Hi Zen, Thanks, will try that out shortly and do some more testing. The release of the RHS Mod has solved alot of my unit problems, reducing my mod count substancially - but I am having trouble making their units appear as the faction when using ZenSpawnInfantry, as per your post in September here. Having read their documentation and looked at the config viewer, I believe their infantry are not classed as men but as vehicles - how do I edit the 6th Argument to get this to work? I had a look at Zen_RandomBattle but could not work out what I need to change. _enemyGroup = [_spawnPos, ENEMY_SIDE, AI_SKILL, [4,8],"Men", "rhs_faction_msv"] call Zen_SpawnInfantry; Using the code above, the error message I get is as below, and the units do not spawn. Will test the JIP and report back - thanks again for your help on this.
  6. callmesarge

    Virtual Rearming Hub

    Thanks Iceman - I had a ply but struggled to get it to work the way I would like it to - mostly due to my coding inexperience. My MHQ units are (in a stroke or originality) called MHQ1, MHQ2 and MHQ3. Using cursorTarget isKindOf 'Ammo_truck_thingy' && { _target distance cursorTarget <= 5 }" I could get one MHQ to have the VRH - but how would I best get all 3 to have it? I tried duplicating that line 3 times, and then tried duplicating the whole "block" three times, but neither seemed to work - any advice would be appreciated.
  7. callmesarge

    Light Vehicle Respawn Script

    Tested in my mission and works perfect - thanks Iceman!
  8. callmesarge

    Light Vehicle Respawn Script

    I am trying to maintain vehicle names after respawn, so I can use your teleport function to teleport to them. I have this working now in the last version, thanks to Beerkans advice back on page 6. So would I need to add something about setVehicleVarName to fn_mhqWestInit.sqf?
  9. callmesarge

    Light Vehicle Respawn Script

    Hi Iceman - i am having a bit of trouble with the new LVR. I should also state that I am new to ArmA scripts in general and prone to making schoolboy errors! Whilst testing out the new LVR.Stratis demo, i set the vehicle name in the editor to MHQ1. In fn_vehRespawn.sqf i modified lines 72 and 102 as follows: Line 72 if (_vehName != "MHQ1") then { //// Line 102 if (_vehName != "MHQ1") then { However, when I preview the mission in editor and destroy the vehicle, it goes back to the default unit name. Am I doing something wrong? Any advice would be appreciated.
  10. callmesarge

    Veteran mod (VTN) - announcement and WIP

    Sounds great! Looking forward to this.
  11. Thanks Zen, I will test that out this weekend. Now I need to update to the latest version of Icemans light vehicle respawn script, and see if I can get Zen_AddFastope, Zen_AddEject, and Zen_AddLoadoutDialog to work on respawned vehicles - I will report back on my progress. /// EDIT /// EDIT /// EDIT /// EDIT /// EDIT /// EDIT /// EDIT /// Hi Zen, I added the code you provided to init and JIPsync.sqf. The code has been added at line 24 - 26, and the JIPsync file can be seen here. When testing today, when a JIP player joins, existing tasks no longer sync. New tasks sync fine. Do you think this is caused by my placement of the code on line 24? I will continue to test tomorrow.
  12. Tested it tonight, and it works like a dream - thanks Zen. the only JIP issue I have left is the fact that JIP players cannot access the loadout system - I will review the sample code this weekend, but if you have any advice on this I'd appreciate it!
  13. Woah, I found an actual bug? AWESOME! I have not had time to try this out yet, will do so on the weekend - Thanks dude!
  14. callmesarge

    Virtual Rearming Hub

    Hey Iceman, I like your work :) Is it feasible to have the Virtual Rearming Hub be accessible from certain vehicles? I am using your Light Vehicle Respawn script on MHQ units in my mission. I have recently removed VAS (replaced it with Zenophon's loadout system from his Co-op Mission Framework). Would be real cool to have this function on the MHQs as well.
  15. Hi Zen, OK, implemented that code and tested - some interesting results: First, do JIP players get all of the tasks, even those that have already been completed, regardless of when they join? Yes, existing tasks can be seen by JIP players Do JIP players continue to get new tasks that are assigned? Yes, new tasks sync up fine between Existing and JIP players Does completing an objective update the task for non-JIP players? No - neither JIP players nor regular players can clear objectives if a JIP player is present on the server. If no JIP player is present, objectives clear normally. Does JIP affect the clearing of zones of enemy in any way? No, zones clear fine Do they fail to clear when a JIP player is the only one inside? Do they not spawn when only a JIP player is close? No, this works fine for JIP players I did hit an additional issue though - I finally got fed up of VAS and replaced it completely with the Zen Loadout system, using the example from MultiSquadObjectives.Altis to create loadout "stations" in the base and on the three MHQ vehicles. When a JIP player joins, they cannot access the loadouts though. Latest mission files are here, and insight you can give me would be MASSIVELY appreciated!
  16. Hey BT, When you post a reply, go to advanced mode - you can see the button for the PHP tags there:
  17. Well, my mission has started acting all kinds of screwy - objectives not clearing, the main loop stopping running. But since I have about 12 mods in there, I am not sure if it is a mod issue or a mistake I have made - I am going to spend the weekend recreating the modded version from the stable unmodded version. Question - do you guys run any source control when working with the framework? I am doing manual backups at the start of each session, tried to get Tortoise SVN running but could not figure it out. What do you use? //// EDIT //// EDIT //// EDIT //// EDIT //// EDIT //// EDIT //// EDIT //// OK, I found the problem :) When a player joins the came via JIP, something goes wrong with the side missions / objective system. Once a player has joined, objectives can no longer be completed. I implemented and tested this in the version without mods (aside from the map of course - I switched from A3MP to AIA Terrain). I tested with both players joining at the start and it all works fine - so I thihnk I still have not got the JIP sync working properly. I made sure I am running the latest version of the framework. My JIP file is here: http://pastebin.com/CR39FeGZ And my whole mission set is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5q8Njbw82EFc2xyOXo0cTRTN3M/view?usp=sharing Any advice would be hugely appreciated!
  18. callmesarge

    TRYK's Multi-Play Uniforms

    I have not downloaded the update but I will - I love your work Tryk!
  19. Hi Zen, I rebuilt JIPsync.sqf as per the most recently modified example, and the 10 minutes of testing I squeezed in tonight seems to indicate it is working! I am going to test further over the weekend. When new players join, loadouts are called and player count for enemy spawning calculates correctly. I am getting the following error message re the loadout when a player joins in progress, but the correct loadout is still called. This is not a showstopper though. So a bit of tidying and a bit of testing and I should be good to go - thanks again for the advice!
  20. Hi Zen, thanks, I will try this out - I did have a mini eureka moment last night. I had picked up what you said several pages back about AI being a dependency, and all recent testing was done with AI on. I have just realized that whilst I have 10x bluefor dudes, only 4 or so are appearing in the game - I cannot believe I did not notice this before now! Right back at the beginning, I had a weird issue with turning AI off and the mission not running - I think this is related to that. OK: cue some wild ass speculation: by placing the playable units on map in the editor, I somehow did something wrong, and that's why not all of them are showing up. I will try your advice described above, and also try re-creating the 10 playable units. Unfortunately work means I may not get to this until the end of the week now though - Thanks again dude!
  21. Hi Zen, OK, so partial success! I tested in MP on a dedicated server - when the right number of players was present from the start of the mission, double units spawned and all hell broke loose! Happy days! However, the JIP is an epic pain in my rectum. I am not sure what I have done wrong, but the following are issues - some of these may not be solvable, and I can live with that - I am getting close to releasing the mission without JIP because it is so close to being done and I want to stop making and start playing, lol! Current JIP issues are: Loadouts still not working in JIP - players spawn in as vanilla bluefor. This error message appears. If a player joins mid mission and increases the player count, this does not affect the number of units spawning (despite it making the player total greater than the required amount). Other functions described in the INIT appear to be unavilable to JIP players - teleport to MHQ, Repack and Swap magazine Reading back what I have just described, it seems clear that I have not implemented the JIP correctly, but I am out of my depth with how to fix it. I have placed the updated mission files with your latest amends here - do you have any other ideas about what I screwed up here? Thanks again for all the help and advice!
  22. Thanks Zen, that worked great as usual. I now have 2 outstanding issues to resolve: Remember the code you gave me to increase the number of infantry if the player count was greater than 4? I finally tested it, and it seems to affect the mission in a strange way. I tested this by lowering the t obe more than 2 players and it still happened. The symptoms of the issue are that enemy groups custom load outs stop working, and that the number of squads present does not increase. This is the line of code here: What would the best way to debug this issue be? The second issue I have is that JIP is still not functioning properly. Back on page 12 you mentioned an issue with the 11th argument, I never did get round to addressing this, as I was not sure how to fix it. JIP is currently not working as intended, and joining players do not receive a load out. Again, any advice you could offer would be appreciated. Full mission files here.
  23. Thanks Zen - all makes sense. Like Beerkan, I have also had an issue since update - my .rpt is getting majorly spammed with this: I can post the whole RTP if needed. I tested by rolling back to the previous version, and the issue went away. My init sqf is here. As usual, any advice would be appreciated.
  24. Very cool - cannot wait to download this badboy soon!
  25. Hi Zen, So my mission is REALLY close to being complete now (I think I have been saying that for a month!) - if the next play test throws up no new issues I will release. In this phase of the mission, i have split my code into 2 versions - modded and un-modded, and I am pouring my attention into the modded version. As advertised, the framework is compatible with all the unit, vehicle and weapon mods I have used with it so far - happy days. What I would like to request is an easy way to swap some of the units from Zen Spawn functions to be modded units. Examples of this scenario are: Convoy Vehicles and Units objective Fortification static weapons Wreck vehicle objective Mortar objective Officer objective For example, it was easy to go into Zen_SpawnConvoy and switch the vehicles to the modded units I wised to use - my mission is set in present day Ukraine, so I added BTR60s and Ural trucks from the East v West mod. But the infantry units in the troop truck are still CSAT forces with funny helmets and obviously wrong uniforms. Similarly, I changed the mortars in Zen_SpawnMortar to be the excellent D30 artillery pieces from RDS static weapons - but the crew members are still CSAT. So my request is as follows: Is it possible to hold all of the vehicles/static weapons in one file in Zen framework ans defined global variables? That way when you want to add modded vehicles, you have one file to edit in one place, making staying abreast of the updates easier? Is it possible to globally define east faction in the zen framework, so I could make all the crew units and all of the convoy support troops the russian faction from East v West (or whatever faction) Convoy! But who is in the driving seat? I would love to know your thoughts on this - is the correct implementation to make the changes by using the existing framework code in the init file?