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About DjDaemonNL

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    Private First Class


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  • Biography
    Ex Marine, Scripter, Love gaming
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  1. DjDaemonNL

    How hard will this game be?

    In my honost opinion, I really think the learning curve for the arma series arent too high, they take some time getting used to the game.. but thats always there aint it? :) As for the controlls; after a few hours you wont even notice them being "weird" i actually miss them in other games at times because they become natural. And for the difficulty... it really depends on what you do.. every mission is different. I strongly suggest you try arma2 free (Free version of arma2) You can find this here: http://www.arma2.com/free Enjoy!
  2. DjDaemonNL

    UK/EU Alpha Coop

    Hehe my main focus is the technical part aswell! I have spend more time than in proud of making mission in a2 and scripting them. But in pretty sure we can find out a way to coop sooner or later :)
  3. DjDaemonNL

    UK/EU Alpha Coop

    Ill join! Looking for people to play with in my timezone :) Add me on steam (cant pb right now, on my phone) Steam; DjDaemonNL - the guy holding a cd! Can also profide ts3 server for voice communication if needed
  4. Not sure if this counts for your country (Im from holland) But i can use click and buy linked to my bank account to buy steam items (anything under 75 euros doesnt require direct verification) Although im unsure if this still works; i didnt use it for a year (ideal now, direct banktransver.. steam recently added it) Might want to look into the payment options steam offers. Cheers,
  5. DjDaemonNL

    ArmA3 installed on a rootserver...how?

    i have been using arma2 (on steam) with my server for a few months now; works like a charm. Basicly you just run steam in offline ^^ Im fairly sure it will work with a single buy ;) Also; This:
  6. DjDaemonNL

    Arma 3 site Security

    Everyone is talking about the store.bistudio.com (Also the buy page makes a reverence to it). Thus you can savely asume your details will be safe by the usual standards. :)
  7. DjDaemonNL

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    They actually updated this a while ago, Now you can choose where you want to install something :) Pic in link > https://www.dropbox.com/s/vct6psvve2mshcx/steam_install_thingy.png
  8. DjDaemonNL

    ArmA 3: new ARG - Things we know so far.

    i have decided to watch WarGames and scan for clues on a password... WOPR being the supercomputer afterall. Yes i know you guys checked 'Joshua' already, dont worry ;)
  9. Heyhey When you load up your "host" screen the game will automaticly load/read all your mission files. if one of the mission files (.pbo) has a broken Description.ext it wont load and will produce this error. I'd suggest to remove all your MP missions and retry one by one :) Hope it helps!
  10. DjDaemonNL

    Multi-Session Operations v4.5 released

    I am an idiot! :o Found out i placed that database.txt file in /appdata/roaming/local.. that was why it didnt work Haha. it took me a full re-install to figure this out, but atleast i got it running now! Thanks for the help guys! Really appreciate it!!
  11. DjDaemonNL

    Multi-Session Operations v4.5 released

    Hey grillob, Yeah i did pit the database.txt to the %appdata%/local/arma2NETSQL (typing on my phone, might be a bit off!). - but i didnt put the mysql.data.dll there, i will try this tomorrow! (Got no computer access today) Thaks for the tip! :) EDIT: Sadly, This didnt work for me :( Any other suggestions?
  12. DjDaemonNL

    Multi-Session Operations v4.5 released

    I cant really find a log file.. all there is is the consolelog.txt (wich is just an output from the console window.. not really helpfull) and net.log en pid.log.. but i highly doubt thats of any use :).. this is so confusing!
  13. DjDaemonNL

    Multi-Session Operations v4.5 released

    Hey guys, After a quick skim through this forum (and several searches later) I came here to plead for your help. For some reason my (MSO) server does not want to connect to the database i have setup, I keep getting that pesky "Client is loading persistent player data..." Screen, and im out of ideas.. :confused: What i have done: Followed the MSO wiki to the letter twice, Even installed all the programs it is suggesting. (about the PDB) That didnt work for me, Then i found the kelly's heros link in the forum wich gave me a whole new insight on the persistent database, but.. No joy. im slowly losing my mind here, i know its something stupid i did or may not have done.. but im out of ideas; Is there any chance i can get any of you guys to help me? Btw; my original mod line looked as follows: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe" "-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2;Expansion;ca;@cba;@cba_a2;@cba_oa;@ace;@acex;@acex_ru;@acex_usnavy;@asr_ai;@jayarma2lib;@jayarma2lib_new;baf;pmc;@acre;@EOD;@Arma2NET;BAF;PMC;Expansion\beta\Expansion" -cfg=2.cfg -config=1.cfg -port=2302 Please note that i have also tried running it as OAbeta server, and regular A2 with -server in the commandline, suggestions? <3