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About Boxman80

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  1. Squad name:- [bSB] Network Timezone/location : GMT/ Eu Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Co-op & PvP Contact email: box@bsbnetwork dot come Website address: http://www.bsbnetwork.com Short description: Established way back in 2002, we are primarily an open community for fair and friendly UK/EU gamers. We aim to accommodate casual and social gamers who just like a bit of a laugh and some friendly banter while playing. We do like to host some fun events and tournaments and are looking for mature/adult gamers who are looking for a stable group for loner term gaming. Language: English
  2. Boxman80

    Which version will you be buying?

    Alpha for me all teh way - I want to be in from the start of this game after only getting in on ARMA 2 relatively late