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Everything posted by listy

  1. Hi, I've been away from Arma for a while so i'm not exactly sure when this started happening, but now that I've returned to it (was a bit put off after I didn't like the contact DLC), anyway when I get into most vehicles I don't get the vehicle info in the top left - it doesn't show if i get in a land vehicle or a heli, but does show with the fixed wing aircraft I've tried. So far I've disabled all mods and it still happens, done a fresh install of all Arma files and it still happens in vanilla (with all official DLC). I've made sure that in the display options the vehicle panel is in the right place (although seeing as it does appear correctly if I get into a cesna for instance it wouldn't seem logical for those options to be hiding it just for helis or ground vehicles). I've googled it and couldn't find anything the issue, and tried to search these forums, although my search terms of vehicle info not showing may be a bit vague to narrow it down. Any help would be much appreciated thanks. Edit: For anyone else searching for the same thing, it's definitely something to do with the Contact DLC as disabling that content corrects the issue.