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About WCMV

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  1. If there are any developers From Arma 2 and or 3, may I have your permission to monetize videos of your game Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead, and Arma 3?
  2. If anyone is looking for a group of players to join with for a game of domination, Missions, or Mods, we can provide you with such a thing. We have a Public Domination server, a mission server, and soon an ACE/ACEX Server. For the sake of communications we use teamspeak and steam to communicate with one another. Our teamspeak address is 88thmi.ts3dns.com If you o not have teamspeak 3 and wish to get it, you can add me on Steam. My Steam ID is WCMV. In case if you want to have a visual preview of our group you can check out our Youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/88thMI?feature=mhee Good Luck, have Fun, For All We look forward to playing with you.