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Everything posted by herpderp

  1. lol, then tell me why i get banned for what reason. Are you able to do this? Or Show me some logs where i should hack or anything, srsly man. There are NO existing Hacks right now why you guys should ban a guy who is playing in a squad and is camping a fucking objective with 4 ppl.
  2. Hey Guys, i was playing on the Arma2 Wasteland server which is designed from Sa-Matra, i'm playing there since 2 month and ppl know me. Its the server "Arma2.ru - Wasteland Sandbox #2". Ok heres the Story... I was camping an objective with my friend where i killed 10 ppl with my M110 NV Scope, after i had no ammo left i went to the Downed helicopter which is the Objective and took a AS50 with 9 Nato Mags from it and moved to my old position and destroyed a Armored Vehicle with 2 ppl inside (2 times). After this i shoot a Armored Humvee with 4 ppl Inside (2 times). Then 2 Urals are coming behind me, so i moved back and killed 3 ppl in 2 Urals, 5 min later an SUV is incoming and i killed 2 ppl inside and took the SUV and drive away then i went afk for 10 Min. After i came back i went to the objective again see the heli is taking off was shooting like a crazy psycho on it and took out a guy in the backseat. While i did this crazy shit ppl were flaming me in the Global chat for Hacking and using Third Party Programms. My friend can proove that i'm not even hacking or something cuz he was the complete time next to me. Ok well, after this shit was done i was about too shot the guys which broke my legs but i was not able to cuz a retarded Teammate just killed me. In the End i just get banned from the Server without any Reason or warning or anything else. In my opinion its totally retarded shit that i get banned for a 28 kill killingspree on an objective. My friends where talking to an Mod/Admin on the Server and they said i have an AS50 with TWS, but this is totally retarded cuz i took the AS50 from an Helicopter objective. People are just mad cuz they got hard owned from on the Server and just banned me cuz i'm too good. Peace out. EDIT: I allready talked with the Russian Admins and they said i need to contact SA-MATRA. Here are some quotes: <20:41:56> "TPEHEP": it out of my competence to lift limits, it is necessary to you will address directly to SaMatra, probably it will help you. I for its part can promise to you that I will pass your trouble. There is a forum for English-speaking players here the link where it is possible to state the arguments: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?142427-ARMA2-RU-Wasteland-Sandbox-servers-thread. <20:53:03> "TPEHEP": I can't tell you that occurred, everything is very relative, it is a lot of dishonest players, and we are compelled to do so, it is better to limit than disregard <20:53:33> "TPEHEP": but we always consider all complaints and addresses <20:53:59> "TPEHEP": also we try to help <20:54:42> "TPEHEP": I think if for you there were no violations everything it will be good! EDIT2: Its just the fact that i get banned without any reason and he said it was just a precaution and i want to get unbanned cuz there is no reason to ban me. There is also a Post from my mate who was playing with me at the time Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/armawasteland/comments/164xmn/banned_from_arma2_wasteland_server_without_reason/