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Posts posted by meldorqc

  1. my trigger does a count down of 10 mins after my players aboard an assault boat.

    Not exactly sure how I can place it anywhere as of right now it's set like this as condition(this && boat_aboard) this= opfor present within the building

    here is my first mission so maybe it give you a good idea of what I want to be done: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152670-Co04-amp-Solo-Black-Sheep&p=2367667#post2367667

  2. Hello all,

    I have been reading a couple tutorial about basic scripting in arma but I have a hard time figuring how to translate it in what I want to do. Maybe some of you could help me.

    To resume: I want to spawn a unit at the beginning of my mission in one of the two locations I have set. this unit is attached to a waypoint and a trigger.

    in my init file I would like to use a global variable that random between 1 & 2, depending of the result it SetPos to the unit, the waypoint and the trigger.


  3. I tested your last mission and the helicopter will crash before reaching its position drop diver.

    Alright it's back to 20M,

    Both versions has been updated this morning. The timer for the pilot departure on the solo version might be to short.

    Keep the feedback coming :)


  4. Which version have you tried ROT, Solo ?

    You can find grenade and smoke grenade in ifrit trucks around the base

    I will make sure to change the time in the solo version. You should try the coop version with your friends, I made way more testing on that version then the solo one. The timer might be too long on the pilot departure making it to easy to kill in the Solo version.

  5. blacksheeplogo.jpg



    Infiltrate an airfield on Stratis to sabotage helicopters and assassinate a pilot before he leaves for his mission.

    This is my first mission, any suggestion will be appreciated.


    • Co04 & Solo version
    • Random ennemy spawn
    • Push And Kill
    • BTC Revive & Respawn (Respawn for Solo version only)
    • FHQ TaskTracker
    • Cinematic Intro


    Extract the .pbo coop file to your ArmA3/MPMissions folder.

    Extract the .pbo solo file to your ArmA3/Missions folder.


    Look at Mission Briefing for Hints and Advice.



    • Both version updated
    • Fixed a bug on pilot escape
    • Fixed helicopter crash during intro
    • Added a second location from where the pilot will depart (check the briefing)
    • Removed the respawn (Coop version)
    • Re balanced the number of medikit
    • Ifrit trucks and quads cargo are now empty with a few exception.
    • Added a few units to better protect the airfield surrounding


    • Removed the virtual ammo box (VAS)
    • Replaced Silent Takedown for the Push and Kill script by Feint.
    • Added random unit spawn
    • Added cinematic Intro
    • Added alarm with reinforcement
    • Added a 4th playable unit (Medic)
    • Added a solo version
    • Added some standstill sentinel units
    • Added fog to make the mission more challenging


    • Added BTC Revive script (need a medkit to revive).
    • Added Silent Takedown mod (Use the "salute key" within 3m of a target to take it down silently).
    • Added FHQ TaskTracker to help persistence of tasks.
    • Added a trigger to start the countdown of the pilot departure (Read the briefing for more details).
    • Added and re-balanced units to make the mission more fun.
    • Added more vehicles to the airport.
    • Fixed a few bugs regarding waypoints paths.

    Credits & Thanks:

    Overall thanks to the community and Armaholic

    Thanks to Giallustio for his mod: =BTC= Revive [ALPHA]

    Thanks to Jon Hillenbrand (Feint) for his mod: Push And Kill [ALPHA]

    Thanks to Varanon & Alwarren for their mod: FHQ TaskTracker

    Special thanks to Melkior & Nothing for their testing


    Black Sheep v1.6 Direct Download

    Black Sheep v1.6 Armaholic

    • Make a new mission and save it.
    • Copy everything from the original mission folder (folders, init.sqf, description.ext) and place into your new saved mission.
    • Play and enjoy.
    • Follow instructions in the readme to turn on and off the push and kill functions for people.

    It's more the push vehicle script that i'm looking for. I would prefer having a CallScript to add to vehicle initialization so that players can push those specific vehicles only. (pressing the mousewheel "PUSH" action like in your movie)

    Just wondering if this would be doable instead of having players install the "@mod" ?

  6. I have been looking for this information for quite some time now and I couldn't find anything.

    Is it possible to add way points to tasks ? So that when you select a task it show the player the direction to take to head to that task.

    (Basically I have made a trigger that when my players reach a certain area, it create two tasks and I would like my players to get a waypoint dependant of the task they choose on their map to go first.)
