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Everything posted by joseph

  1. So, I discovered that this came out: http://titanim.net/www/ And I was thinking it sure looks like it has had a lot of work put into it. I believe it is currently available for devs to use... These folks at Outtera specialize in seamless open world simulation, and from what you can see, it looks like they have streamlined their stuff quite a bit. Thought popped into my head that Arma could benefit greatly from a little integration with this kind of stuff? BIS bringing some of TitanIM into Arma 3? Just throwing that out there...
  2. Number 1: Can I change the toggle aim to hold to aim somehow and use Shift while aiming to hold breath? If not, is there a mod for this? Number 2: Can I load the missions (such as the official campaign and showcase missions) into the editor so I can mix it up a little? Number 3: I installed the Tactical Battlefield mod but can't find any servers and it won't show up in my 'Start New Multiplayer Mission' menu. Did I incorrectly install it(most likely!)? That's it thx in advance. Joe
  3. joseph

    Couple quick questions!

    NONONO it is on toggle aim right now. Click to aim, click again to shoulder. I wanna change it to hold right mouse to aim, release to shoulder! Joe
  4. joseph

    How to use Arma3 Tools

    No the Arma3 modding tools. And what I am most interested in is creating some animations, so scripting. Any guides on that? Also what how to create a multiplayer game? Most likely what I want to do is make a moddified version of Arma3 multiplayer in the future. Joe
  5. Simple question: Any tutorials out there on using the Arma3 tools to create addons? Also, what software do I use to create multiplayer games? I am trying to learn cause later I'd like to scrape together a team to do custom content for Arma3 and maybe enter in the contest! Joe
  6. joseph

    How to use Arma3 Tools

    Ok I see what you mean. I'm not asking you to write a whole guide on the forums obviously lol. Do you know of any like community guides on the editor? And to be more specific I guess just how do I get started? As far as creating the directory for the files and so forth. I can probably figure stuff out from there but if you know of some guides that would be nice too! So what I'm asking is: how to get started. Joe
  7. Hi one quick question. I would like to script custom loadouts using addons, but I don't know where to find the script. So, like this addweapon " ";. Where do I find the script to put in? Would it be in the readme? Thanks in advance, Joe
  8. Ok where do you find the config browser?
  9. Hi this has probably already been answered but do my alpha invites that i got when i bought this game expire with the beta?
  10. joseph

    They better have female soldiers...

    Girls usually get votekicked off pretty fast....... The only experience I've really had was in Tf2 and she was the admin. I was so mad I couldn't kick her ass off the server. Sgt. Joseph
  11. joseph


    What ticks me off is how people think this is a game. It is a SIMULATOR! There is no "nerfing" or "derping". Sgt. Joseph
  12. Ok lets be brief: In the editor, how do I create a briefing like in the dev created missions(with the description and stuff) and also the ending page that says "blah blah nice job blah blah". And also how do I make the AI and my player say messages like "we need support", "FUCK WE'RE UNDER ATTACK" and so forth. Sgt. Joseph
  13. joseph

    Beta isn't actually that far away

    Umm....... They said they want to release it in Q3. Joseph
  14. Yeah Arma 2 was too easy. If you want to got more at distances with sights, use single shot and preferably if you are going to try hitting at +400m with iron sights, have a spotter to help you identify hits. And don't forget to stable stance. Joseph
  15. joseph

    Ambient combat - Needs work

    Seriously just tell me what it means you trollface. Joseph
  16. joseph

    Ambient combat - Needs work

    Kremator I love that picture! It's totally hilarious! Is there a website for pictures like that? And what exactly is meant by"ambient combat"? Sgt. Joseph
  17. A few day ago I played a hostage rescue coop mission. It was awesome, total teamwork made it a perfect game. The only thing that happened that was regrettable was our TL firing missiles at vehicles in the base we captured killing himself me and another. So what I want to say is, when firing in close proximity with allies, be careful. Joseph
  18. Maybe next time, young padawan! Joseph
  19. Can I download Arma 3 mods, missions, etc. directly through Steam? If not, will this become an option in the future, cause it would make it easier. Sgt. Joseph
  20. joseph

    My report.

    Alright so I purchased Arma3 awhile ago and here is my report of my experience and a few thing that need attention. First of all, I was very impressed. For the most part this game gives me what I hoped it would in terms of combat experience. A few things that need to be looked over: First of all when I started playing, the AI was like "GA-DUH", "I'll shoot over here", "I'll stand with my back to that very intelligent human being who is squeezing off rounds in my direction", "Hey look, I killed one!". So without more ado the AI, even when on a high difficulty level, still needs to be made more smart. And if any of you know of some mods to do this, please share! Second, a few graphical glitchs are present, such as seeing the ground underwater as though it were just ground, not underwater. Also, I am "GA-DUH" as far as using the editor, so if there are some tutorials out there or if someone can write me one, please do! Also, one of the few things that disappoints me about the Arma series is that a lot time in multiplayer matches is spent looking at the ground shooting at your own base with missiles and just kicking back and chatting. Take, for instance, the Wasteland mode. Sure, it is more of a "Sniper on his own" mode which can be fun but it lacks the kind of combat I crave. So I would like to see more games and modes with this goal: Build your base, secure your base, attack enemy base. All while including all the stuff like, small raids, sniper/recon missions and combat patrols. So, in short, I would like to see more active play in Arma 3 multiplayer. Another thing. I hope in the future to see DLC's of the previous Arma's content so we can make a mission in the editor from the 2025 era, or the 2001- to 2025. But, all of it would use Arma3's high improvements in graphics and gameplay. Well, everyone that's all for now. And I hope the developing team is taking all our hungry-for-more players tips on improvement. Sgt. Joseph
  21. joseph

    My report.

    Ok, thanks, guys. I really appreciate your help. And one more question: What are good mods to improve AI, do I need special hardware to install mods, and what are some good active multiplayer groups out there I could join for this game. Joseph
  22. joseph

    Stealth Kills?

    Yeah, I've always wanted that too. And melee/knife kills system.
  23. You know, I wish I could go crack people like that over the head with a bottle of beer. IT RUINS IT FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes my brother teamkills on some games because he thinks it's kinda fun. But when I teamkill, I can't get over the feeling of guilt, even though it's a game and that my teammates don't trust me. So, I hope that when I buy the game, you will include me in your server for "non-*******" players. What the devs need to add( and alot of games already have this) is a system that after a certain number of teamkills, if the player doesn't forgive you(this proves if it was deliberate or not) you get banned from that server for like 24 hours. Joseph
  24. joseph

    JUMP please!!

    Well, what Arma3 needs is a vartiation on the vault. So if you take a run at it, you'd take a flying leap at it. This is preferable when under fire, cause it gets you over quickly. Joseph