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Everything posted by spaggiari

  1. Hi there. This is my first post ever on your forums, I just registered for this actually cause I'm not interested yet in military games. I'm playing the DayZ mod for Arma II, and there's a map, called Taviana, which allow to mod the mod. Since I know how to make models, UVW map it, and texture it, I want to do some stuff myself too. The thing is, I don't know anything about editing Arma. I've been modding GTA:SA for years, so I know a few about rigging, collision etc. I have a few questions, if you could find the time to answer if you can, I'd be thankful. 1/ How does it work? - models & custom models I mean here, how do I rigg a custom ped model? How do I put it ingame etc. 2/ What shall I use? I guess it's Oxygen 2 and TexViewer ? 3/ Do you have tips for me? Thanks a lot, and I wish you all the best for 2013!
  2. spaggiari

    Help request about custom models

    I have seen that thing already yep. Gonna try anyways.
  3. spaggiari

    Help request about custom models

    Okay, I get it. So, tell me, how do I rigg a character, on this character thing? Can't find any videos / tuts.
  4. spaggiari

    Help request about custom models

    Oh, so editing ARMA 2 is not about MODDING it, but ADDING objects to the game. I won't replace a backpack, I will ADD a new backpack (for example) that's it? And I can't even REPLACE characters etc too?
  5. spaggiari

    Help request about custom models

    No, I was talking about the guy with a gun and a backpack. I guess there's a way to unbinarize those non available objects?
  6. spaggiari

    Help request about custom models

    Well I've been reading many things, searching tutorials etc, I didn't find anything I could use yet, but I'll try. Do you know the name of this file? (dayZ character, so I can start editing it) edit: this looks good: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?114036-STALKERGB-s-Weighting-overview But that looks kinda hard, and it's not even a real tutorial. I'm willing to rigg models I made, or converted from other games.