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Everything posted by aeroson

  1. @Tonic You should clearAllItemsFromBackpack as some backpacks come with predefined items. You did nice job on separating the uniforom, vest, backpack items i give you that ! \O/ But still you ain't using any work around while adding stuff into uniform or vest, so they just melt together :( Also glasses won't be added to backpack at all and are added into assignedItems all the time. Also UAV terminal is not added back to assignedItems. Iam sorry to appeal on you again :D. But you really should look into loadout set/get functions. I've fixed all this months ago, and new stuff just works with it. As for the API it was and will be the same all the time (that's probably the part i've missed, sorry). Just felt it will be right to ask one more time before full A3 release. ^.^ Thank you
  2. Alternatively you can edit the respawn script and add vehicle crew only if vehicle being respawned is uav This way it will work for all uavs/ugvs // after: _vehicle = ... createVehicle ... if(getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeof _vehicle >> "isUav")==1) then { createVehicleCrew _vehicle; };
  3. aeroson

    Thanks Kylania!

    We love you \O/
  4. Found "logic bug", if VAS Stringtable.xml is present it will override Stringtable.csv and thus translations for mission are gone and might/will break the gameplay. If this happens, use CSV to XML converter and append generated file to the VAS's Stringtable.xml
  5. aeroson

    Realistic Jumping Script

    Nice script, this should be part of arma itself D: In [[player,"AovrPercMrunSrasWrflDf"],"fn_Animation",nil,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; Documentation isn't very clear about the nil target, also nil is usually being overwritten by nil=execVM. Might be better to use true instead. Like this [[player,"AovrPercMrunSrasWrflDf"],"fn_Animation",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; Here quite better formated (untested) version + fn_Animation from above post.
  6. aeroson

    =BTC= Logistic [A3] - BETA

    \=BTC=_logistic\=BTC=_cargo_system\=BTC=_Load.sqf line 26: _veh setVehicleInit _text_action;ProcessInitCommands; These two commands were disabled. "For security reasons, the command was disabled in Arma 3. Use BIS_fnc_MP for remote execution." Also wouldn't it be better to determine lift/cargo capacity based on this value => [0,0,0] distance ( boudingBoxReal _veh ) ? That way it will work even with addons. Amazing scripts btw \O/
  7. Nice, but: Dedicated server does not load profileNamespace (didnt test it with saveProfileNamespace) that means: Player's profile namespace might get spammed with new variable name every server restart -> players might end up with huge profile.vars after few months. It is not crash resistant now -> profile namespace is automaticaly saved once game is properly shut down, if game crashes nothing is saved. You might want to use saveProfileNamespace in the loop
  8. aeroson

    Mag Repack

    Seems like some kind of the XEH doesnt work (post?), but this one does: class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers { XXX_init = "[] execVM 'XXX\init.sqf'"; };
  9. Seems like some kind of the XEH doesnt work (post?), but this one does: class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers { XXX_init = "[] execVM 'XXX\init.sqf'"; };
  10. Or you can use placeholders, just like here
  11. Updated / Fixed Tested and works both in stable and dev. fnc_set_loadout.sqf v3.9 - Removed: Pointless use of removeItemFromPrimaryWeapon fnc_get_loadout.sqf v3.0 - Fixed: In dev branch, goggles and headgear are no longer part of assignedItems
  12. Updated / Fixed fnc_get_loadout.sqf v2.9 - Fixed: Backpacks in backpack are now saved example mission up to date
  13. To make this work with respawn you have to edit your respawn script. Find a line where it creates the vehicle. _unit = createVehicle .... And add this under it: [[[_unit],"scripts\transport\classify.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; (The problem here is the vehicle needs to be classified to be able to lift, classifying is done on start up but also needs to be done on every newly created vehicle. Respawn scripts are usually server side, but we need to classify vehicles on clients thats why BIS_fnc_MP)
  14. aeroson

    AI Helicopter search light

    A guy called KNG figured this out, you have to keep turning the light on D:
  15. aeroson

    FHQ TaskTracker

    @Varanon It has been over a month now and you still haven't added disabledAi=1; support. Would you mind in the meantime releasing my version that does support it ? So you don't have to answer same question again and again.
  16. Can i suggest magazines filtering ? Seems to work for A2 content as well. magazines: count =>5 underbarrel: type == 16 count <5 throwables: type == 256 count <5 explosives: !(type in [16,256]) count <5 _config = configFile >> "CfgMagazines"; for "_i" from 0 to (count _config)-1 do { _current = _config select _i; if (isClass(_current) && (getNumber(_current>>"scope")==2) && getText(_current>>"picture")!="") then { if(getNumber(_current>>"count")>4) then { cfgList_magazines set [count cfgList_magazines, configName(_current)]; } else { switch (getNumber(_current>>"Type")) do { case 16: { cfgList_underbarrel set [count cfgList_underbarrel, configName(_current)]; }; case 256: { cfgList_throwables set [count cfgList_throwables, configName(_current)]; }; default { cfgList_explosives set [count cfgList_explosives, configName(_current)]; }; }; }; }; }; example mission
  17. @Banky: Everything is possible, but it would then turn into clumsy limited respawns save/load loadout scripts. Which would defeat the purpose of being universal. You can edit it yourself and put everything into one script. If you want simple limited respawns replace: player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { [player,loadout] spawn setLoadout; } ]; with outOfRespawns = { systemChat "You have no respawns left"; hint "You have no respawns left"; hideObject player; player enableSimulation false; player setPos [0,0,9999]; player allowDamage false; while{ alive player && numberOfRespawnsLeft<=0 } do { [] exec 'camera.sqs'; sleep 1; }; }; if(isNil{playersOutOfRespawns}) then { playersOutOfRespawns = []; publicVariable "playersOutOfRespawns"; }; if((getPlayerUID player) in playersOutOfRespawns) then { numberOfRespawnsLeft = 0; [] spawn outOfRespawns; } else { numberOfRespawnsLeft = 5; // set your respawns count here }; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { numberOfRespawnsLeft = numberOfRespawnsLeft - 1; if(numberOfRespawnsLeft>0) then { systemChat format["You have %1 respawn(s) left",numberOfRespawnsLeft]; hint format["You have %1 respawn(s) left",numberOfRespawnsLeft]; [player,loadout] spawn setLoadout; } else { if((getPlayerUID player) in playersOutOfRespawns) then { playersOutOfRespawns set[count playersOutOfRespawns, getPlayerUID player]; publicVariable "playersOutOfRespawns"; }; [] spawn outOfRespawns; }; } ]; Once you run out of respawns you go to camera mode, you can't cheat it by respawning or rejoining. @Janez: Instead of loadout = [player] call getLoadout; use this if(!isDedicated) then { [] spawn { waitUntil {!isNull player}; sleep 5; loadout = [player] call getLoadout; }; };
  18. Updated / Fixed @Mariodu62: Thank you. While i was trying to reproduce the bug i found various little bugs and fixed them. Could you try the updated functions and if the bug remains give me more information (possibly add me on steam) ? fnc_get_loadout.sqf v2.8 fnc_set_loadout.sqf v3.8 just Minor fixes
  19. You might find this helpful, the example does exactly what you are trying to do D: Looks like its using C as bridge between Arma and C#
  20. aeroson

    Dynamic Player Markers

    :O sorry, should be good now download player_markers.sqf
  21. Updated / Fixed (sorry, took me a while) Was looking through Tonic's VAS, seems like he found a way to get currently loaded magazines. Improved it a bit and added into my scripts ^.^ Regarding the IRLaser, there is an action for it but it doesn't work. @tomturner No idea. set/get functions are (should be) executed locally, server shouldn't matter, but its Arma... fnc_get_loadout.sqf v2.7 - Added: Option to save magazines ammo count - Fixed: Gunlight is turned on again fnc_set_loadout.sqf v3.7 - Added: Option to load magazines ammo count
  22. You can edit the loadout.sqf to suit your needs. loadout.sqf _target = _this select 0; _target unassignItem "NVGoggles"; _target removeItem "NVGoggles"; _target addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_H"; _target addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Arco"; _target additem "g_tactical_clear"; _target assignitem "G_Tactical_Clear"; Or you can put following code into mission's init.sqf if(side player == West) then { player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { player unassignItem "NVGoggles"; player removeItem "NVGoggles"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_H"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Arco"; player additem "g_tactical_clear"; player assignitem "G_Tactical_Clear"; }]; };
  23. You could use this and put that addEventHandler into every unit's init.
  24. aeroson

    FHQ TaskTracker

    As Varanon said it does only work when AIs are enabled, so its only 50% JIP compatible. It depends on the mission, would be much better to support both disabledAI options. Also players can join game which is in progress, no matter what disabledAI is. So JIP compatible doesn't mean works only on missions that has disabledAI=0; Other than that D: excellent and useful piece of code. Thank you! :P