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About EvilDutch

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal


  • Interests
    Tactical Gaming, Car Tuning, Modding.
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  1. I tried that, but he ignored that.. So, i done some ammo magics :D (Code above).
  2. He guys, So i want to have this artillery gun in my mission to fire 1 round every 30 seconds, now this gunner gets these epileptic attacks every time he shoots. He moves cannon drops after he fired and then rescan the target every time. Now, i found out that he doesn't do that if the commander is in the vehicle as well but that gives me a harder time to let players getting close to plant a explosive charge since the commander instantly kills you if you get to close or in his range. So, is there any way to stop making these guns swing after a shot or commanders kill the player so they plant a explosive charge?. This is what i have so far. *Update: Scratch last, i resolved the issues with the code below. Hope it helps others with the same issue, this is a sort of work around :) Cheers!. _arty = _this select 0; _target = _this select 1; while {alive _arty} do { enableEngineArtillery false; _arty setVehicleAmmo 0; _arty setFuel 0; _arty addMagazine ["32Rnd_155mm_Mo_shells", 10000]; sleep 1; gunner _arty doWatch [markerpos _target select 0, markerpos _target select 1, 9500]; sleep 1; gunner _arty commandArtilleryFire [getMarkerpos _target, currentMagazine _arty, 1]; sleep 15; // Delay between shots. };
  3. EvilDutch

    A-10C for Arma 3

    Amazing work on this mod, works perfectly. Have been testing it for like an hour and everything works fine. The only thing you might want to look at is when you fly it's really hard to click any switches its like they starting to float al over the place :p 8/10 for this mod!
  4. EvilDutch

    Update is out

    Well, performance didn't change much. And tbh, the single player missions are bugged. Like i need to RV with a greenbag officer, he jumps out of his car and shoot me -.-'..
  5. EvilDutch

    CSAT and NATO are not believable

    Well Soldier, that is simple.. The game shows it's 2035, and as you sad before "It does make sense for NATO to adapt the Markava. The Israeli's have designed the Markava MBT". Well the USAF Jets are designed by the US and soon we will have those jets cause we bought them. Who knows what country will have the US Tanks in 2035, cause i don't know? It's all about a nations economy, we buy we sell.. And personally i think they kinda designed the game that way.
  6. EvilDutch

    CSAT and NATO are not believable

    Oh dear, the Netherlands that bought USAF Jets for our DAF must be ashamed then i guess ??.
  7. EvilDutch

    Stopping AI Voices

    Start Up ArmA 3 then Configure > Audio Options > Radio (set this all the way to the left).. And you're done, no radio sounds anymore.
  8. My screen is to big for cm, i think i sit away from it maybe 1m 50/60 :p anyway.. I tried what you sad and it didn't work.. I have reinstalled the game, and tried it and now it loads but takes a long time before it previews. So what i did now is i scripted VAS in a way that it doesn't load in the editor only when you play the mission or host it. Loading time is still big but i can work on my mission again.
  9. 40 cm, really?.. you want to get me blind or what?.. And no it's not a loop in a script.. Even with all scripts disabled it still get stuck and RPT file gives me only 2 errors. Error: JoystickDevices - CoInitilizeEx return 80010106 Error: CoInitilizeEx (XAudio2-1st trial) return 80010106 And i'm pretty sure that isn't the reason it doesn't preview it.. in MP it loads just fine so i presume it's something in the editor.
  10. Yep, they build it like that it execute true CfgFunction, VAS is always active even in the editor and VD is only active if you run the mission local or on server. But the mission is so big that the editor get stuck time after time.. No clue what this is but hé.. Lets hope BiS will fix it cause this is making me and some friends ignore A3 and move back to A2 where everything works.
  11. if i use deleteVehicle OPTaskCancel; in the On Act from the success trigger it cancel the task with out going into that trigger at all :confused: EDIT: I think i fixed it. I use in the success trigger now this line of code. OPTaskCancel setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "PRESENT", false];
  12. I give the player the option to find hidden objectives, if they find the optional objectives it activates the task, if they complete that task and return to base now one of the end triggers cancels the optional task. I want to make it like that if they finish the optional task that the cancel task trigger is disabled.
  13. So i have a optional task in my mission that people can find, now what i want to do is if the task is complete and marked as success that it deactivate the other trigger that will cancel the task if they didn't find the task. Anyone a idea how to do that ?. Kind Regards
  14. Woeps, xD your right.. thats my description.ext lol.. this is my ini.sqf tawvd_disablenone = true;
  15. Well, you can beat me to death because i don't know what caused this crap.. So after i checked the rpt file that was clean btw, i started arma 3 again in windows mode and just clicked preview to see if how long it takes.. I took 1.5 hours and it loaded the map, i closed it again and pressed preview again and it worked perfectly fine.. Still don't know what it was, or why it was.. Is it possible that it takes longer the first time because it needs to read all the scripts ?... Cause i am stunned 0_o?. Not mutch, all the basic stuff for now. author = "EvilDutch[Tw]"; OnLoadName = "Tw Mission Template v1.0"; OnLoadMission = "This is a mission template made by EvilDutch."; loadScreen = "Scripts\Mission\Images\loadScreen.paa"; overviewText = "Tw Mission Template v1.0"; overviewPicture = "Scripts\Mission\Images\loadScreen.paa"; disabledAI=1; joinUnassigned = 0; enableDebugConsole = 1; //class Header { // gameType = Coop; // minPlayers = 1; // maxPlayers = 4; //}; // === Scripts === /// #include "VAS\menu.hpp" // Virtual Ammobox #include "taw_vd\dialog.hpp" // TAW View Distance class CfgFunctions { #include "VAS\cfgfunctions.hpp" // Virtual Ammobox #include "taw_vd\CfgFunctions.hpp" // TAW View Distance };