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About Ciph3r

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  1. Yes when I went to update to 1.60 I believe it came with error of corrupt files, and names numerous .pbo files
  2. Thanks, do you believe that a running a chkdisk will pickup such a problem with the harddrive? Also as I bought the game retail may it be a problem with the disk, this problem had only started after I updated to 1.62. So if it would be best to buy another copy via steam or some such, I would have no problem doing so
  3. Well again like I said it's not only DayZ that is the problem when I am playing Arma 2 NOT any mod and I joing normal Arma servers through the Arma server list, I may be able to play for a while before I am kicked for Wrong Signature for file OR I am kicked immediately when joining a server for the same reason "Wrong signature for file".
  4. Well this error has only started recently with all servers and I used to be able to join all servers and servers I used to be able too join are now kicking me before I enter for the wrong signature file on a number of .pbo files
  5. I launch through DayZCommander and i have arma 2 and operation arrowhead activated in expansions
  6. I've played the same server for a few months now, this problem has only just started. ---------- Post added at 11:32 ---------- Previous post was at 11:28 ---------- In the addons folder I see The .pbo files that are above 15,000 kb in size and underneath these .pbos are .pbo.bi.bisign and .pbo.bi2.bisign files one of each, these are both 1kb in size. So for example the first file is a10.pbo, 15,137kb in size then underneath will be a10.pbo.bi.bisign and a10.pbo.bi2.bisign both 1kb in size and this is the same for each pbo file in the addons folder
  7. This problem is for almost every server and the problem has only just started
  8. I performed a chkdsk and it came up with no errors and still the 1kb files were still there, I purchased Arma retail from EBgames perhaps called gamestop where you're from
  9. The files on that computer were again, 1kb in size and I haven't run the chkdsk how do you do that? Sorry :P
  10. Unfortunately when I installed on my other computer Operation Arrowhead would still have the same corrupt files as on the other computer
  11. Well each time I get kicked it will give me a different .pbo file, such as a10.pbo.bi.bisign, and all the files that I have been told is causing the problem are in my Addons folder and these seem to be missing files as they are 1kb in size and I have no idea how to repair them
  12. I have just started having a major problem when trying to join server both of DayZ and normal Arma 2 servers, as I try to join I will get a message saying wrong signature file and will show a random .pbo file and this is preventing me from playing as it is always happening, is there anyway to fix this? I went into my Addons folders for Arma and all the pbo.bi.bisign and pbo.bi2.bisign folders are only 1kb in size and these are the files I am being kicked for, I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game many times with no success. Is there someway to repair the addons folders? And also these .bisign files only appear AFTER I install Operation Arrowhead. I really want to fix this because I want to play :( Any help would be appreciated :D