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Everything posted by mick18

  1. mick18

    Let us play 1.58!

    The update stopped, i guess they changed their minds again :huh: . Well, in other news BI got the OF back from codemasters and put up a trailer for Operation Flashpoint 4 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9LLa7xixR8
  2. mick18

    Let us play 1.58!

    Sweet. Any VP guys on here? just like to say thanks for the hard work guys.
  3. mick18

    Let us play 1.58!

    Well, i just got an 14.7 GB update, thats like the entire directory and then some. Maybe the 1.58 was an accident, because they actually have something much more updated? idk, my download speed is like ~300kb/s so it's gonna be awhile before i know what it is :P
  4. mick18

    Let us play 1.58!

    As stated, the port is experimental, so BI and/or VP pulling the 1.58 back makes no sense. In the short time i played with it, there were no game breaking bugs so... Also, i dont think anyone can make any real observations on the multiplayer side until we get an updated, official port.
  5. mick18

    Lack of updates on Mac/Linux Port

    Well, by even considering a port they have shown an an interest in keeping their options open, if they are gonna move to a new api surely they would look at vulkan first and foremost?
  6. mick18

    Lack of updates on Mac/Linux Port

    Did you guys seriously just roll me back to 1.54?! why??? :blink: btw Hoopenfaust, i get the same error at launch, but the game runs anyway so it appears to be a non issue.
  7. mick18

    Lack of updates on Mac/Linux Port

    yep its 1.58, had a little play around and apart from an audio issue things seem ok. I have a sound card so maybe i'm not the right person to comment, in 1.54 occasionally something wouldnt play a sound or not sound right at all, but it was fine. In 1.58 i'm getting some kind of screeching noise every few seconds, and a few other sound issues. i'll verify the cache and try again. Maybe someone with onboard let me know what your getting?. EDIT Update: issue seems to stop after loading up a game, then exiting back to the menu.
  8. mick18

    Lack of updates on Mac/Linux Port

    Ive just got a 2.3 gb update now, no news on what it is though.
  9. mick18

    User mission requests!

    Just finished ARMA and Queens Gambit, along with most of ARMA 2 campaign, pretty disappointed. ARMA was'nt bad, had cleaner graphics than 2 but gameplay controls were not great. ARMA 2 has been a real downer. I looked for a mod wiki but couldnt find one so i'll ask: what to download? Interested in lone wolf, or small squad missions/campaigns, also i'd like to have some choice in my weapon loadouts. Also interested in air campaigns, mostly helicopter. p.s. any chance of a "slightly dramatised alternative reality" mission/campaign regarding Ivan and Martin : Escape from Lemnos ?.
  10. mick18

    Why warfare fails as a game mode

    My focus being on warfare with the AI, i don't think things would be half as bad if there was an actual RTS interface, and did'nt require you to force your way through tedious keyboard stomping. RTS interface Simplified attack/defence/patrol/capture commands Simplified commands in regards to unit type/movement and attack style Strong base defence by default Allow commander to control from base and any captured town Armor, air power and air support harder to obtain Fast travel restrictions etc And more, but i hit the mental wall. You know, if someone just made an RTS mod of warfare and started out with making everything REALLY simple with only really basic AI, you could just build on it from there, and you would end up with something so much better than ARMA2 WF.
  11. mick18

    Why warfare fails as a game mode

    BTW i didnt mean my post to come off as angry as it was, but i had just spent several hours playing with every little part of warfare only to figure out that as a commander it is broken, and that it is only really playable when playing as a subordinate. On the topic of base hunting, really the HQ should be much stronger and much better defended by default, and on being attacked automatic airstrikes and mortar/artillery barrages directly on attacking forces after about 2 minutes. This allows a hit-and-run on the enemy HQ before the auto counter-attack, damaging its capabilities but leaving it operational. The only way to destroy the HQ in that 2 minutes is if you have overwhelming force, so if the game is rebalanced correctly, you'll only have access to those heavy weapons if you've done well enough over the game, relative to the map size, number of towns and number of factions.
  12. mick18

    Why warfare fails as a game mode

    Hi, i've got some things to add to this thread. I'm a long time OFP player and only recently got a good enough pc to play ARMA 2 ( i have ARMA Gold on order as i want to play through that first ), ive been playing with the demo and the free version for awhile and just got the full version this christmas. Ive been playing with the warfare modes, and i have many of the same problems with it as everyone else has. The sluggishness, slow-response and the complexity of playing arma/ofp as an fps is hard and even infuriating at times, but you tolerate it because, well, this is the game, and somehow despite the flaws you still end up getting enjoyment out of it. But taking these failures and using them as base for an RTS is a recipe for disaster. If one developer from BI could do one good thing with their time it would be to play this : Battlezone II Combat Commander. Battlezone 2 may be old, it may not have been a powerhouse game, but it actually worked, you could do everything that an ARMA Warfare mode should aspire to be. Playing as a commander, getting the AI to do what you want them to do........i mean, what's the point in setting missions and tasks if they won't f*****g do it?! Why can't the AI organise themselves to use a truck to move out to a location? Why won't that AI bitch just buy some AT squadmates TODAY at some point?! Infuriating would be the nice way of describing Warfare. The worst part? knowing that there is an idea there, for an RTS mode that is every bit as rewarding as playing the FPS game. It would be poor form if the 4th iteration came along from BI and playing as an FPS was still as sloppy as it is But this very poor RTS business returning in ARMA 3 with this broken AI and broken menu system and broken commands, i'd rather you guys not bother at all and perhaps put your effort into making the FPS experience as a squad leader more intuitive.