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Everything posted by Elohsa

  1. Samatra, a bit offtopic but do you play eve-online by any chance?
  2. Valid point, now that I think about it it makes sense :) I must add that you are doing an awesome job with this mission and you have my full support. The couple days of wasteland have been more enjoyable than all my time in DayZ. Like the moment I came across a enemy on a bike. I crashed my car against a tree and jumped out. Immediatly i started flanking around, hoping the other guy would have stopped too. After a couple of minutes carefully moving around, watching every corner I spotted the hostile sitting behind a tree starting at the point where I left my car. Those where some sweet shots in his head :)
  3. How about make the person unable to fire his gun when pointed at a team mate? This will leave them still vulnerable to RPG's/grenades but makes it impossible to directly shoot at team-mates. Ive seen this at more games that turn you crosshair a certain color when pointed at a friendly