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About radeck1983

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. @tryteyker You're 100% right! I don't know how I could missed this.
  2. F2k Sel, won't this code if ((side _this == west) AND ( vehicle _this isKindOf "LandVehicle") AND danger) then { bomb="Bo_GBU12_lgb" createVehicle (getPos IED9); danger = false; }; blow up the IED at the start of the mission? Shouldn't there be a condition with a distance as well?
  3. radeck1983

    scripting in baby steps

    Heh, I've gone away from the keyboard for a moment and two posts have been written.
  4. radeck1983

    scripting in baby steps

    Hi Sneakers! You need to use the while command. Here's the code: while {true} do { _playerpos = getpos player; hint format["You are at co-ord %1",_playerpos]; sleep 0.5; };
  5. Put it in the condition field: (!alive truck1) OR (!alive truck2) OR (!alive truck3) OR (!alive truck4)
  6. I think it did, though. I inserted all these lines to my init.sqf because they had already been in the init.sqf from the UPSMON package. So I copied them. I've just looked up these commands on the BI Wiki and, unfortunatelly, I don't understand why they aren't working as they should. The Wiki says that finishMissionInit is finishing the world initialization before a mission is launched, so all the more it's incomprehensible to me. However, I'm not that curious to investigate all these relations. The most important for me is that the problem is solved.
  7. @galzohar You've hit the nail on the head. After deleting the lines processInitCommands; and finishMissionInit; there is no "reholding" at the mission start. Also, the HALO jump works perfectly now, even with the UPSMON. In short, problem solved. Thank you very much! @Nimrod, @seba Thanks for your time!
  8. Nimrod, I've checked it out and still no result. By the way, I have tried again without UPSMON - I've deleted from the init.sqf these lines: //Init UPSMON scritp (must be run on all clients) call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf"; //Process statements stored using setVehicleInit processInitCommands; //Finish world initialization before mission is launched. finishMissionInit; and the HALO jump works great then, as well as there is no "reholding" there. However, there is one thing I'm wondering about. I use this HALO jump code: [this, 1000] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs" I've noticed that at the mission start, before i was doing the HALO, i had been standing at the ground for 1-2 seconds. Is it normal?
  9. Look at: Multiplayer_framework You may want to use: [nil,nil,rHINT,"Enjoy the game."] call RE;
  10. Hi seba. Yes, I've already tested this and I'm 100% sure that the problem occurs when the UPSMON is in use. I've noticed that the time elapsed between a mission start and that weapon "reholding", which I wrote about in my last post, is longer if I put more UPSMON patrols. These times aren't long though - let's say, it's 0s (not noticable) if there are 1-4 patrol zones, to 2s, when I put more than 12 patrol zones. But still, it wrecks most of my ideas...
  11. Hi all! I've recently joined your forum, both to ask for help and to learn and give some help if possible. Unluckily :) at the begining I certainly won't be a good advisor. To not be groundless, here's my first question... I have a problem with initializing the UPSMON script before a mission start. It manifests itself with a visible weapon "reholding" (I mean, a player lifts a weapon twice in a second - I suspect that the UPSMON is being initialized then). It happens just two seconds after joining a game as a first player. It is quite a bit frustrating as it makes it impossible to e.g. start a mission with a HALO jump. Why? It looks like this - I click "continue" -> a game starts -> the HALO jump is being and has been initialized -> now, I'm descending, ready to open a parachute -> the UPSMON is being initialized with that weapon "reholding", of which I wrote above -> the UPSMON has been initialized and now, I'm descending in a standard, ground position "on my feet" - cool, but i'm still falling down to the ground... I know that the problem is in the init.sqf file, but I can't figure out how to use the commands responsible for waiting with a mission start till all scripts are initialized. Asking you for help, I paste my init.sqf below. nul=[] execVM "briefing.sqf"; execVM "revive\ReviveAceWounds.sqf"; if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then { //Init UPSMON scritp (must be run on all clients) call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf"; //Process statements stored using setVehicleInit processInitCommands; //Finish world initialization before mission is launched. finishMissionInit; waitUntil {player == player}; };
  12. Thank you, and sorry for my mistake.
  13. Hi all! I've recently joined your forum, both to ask for help and to learn and give some help if possible. Unluckily :) at the begining I certainly won't be a good advisor. To not be groundless, here's my first question... I have a problem with initializing the UPSMON script before a mission start. It manifests itself with a visible weapon "reholding" (I mean, a player lifts a weapon twice in a second - I suspect that the UPSMON is being initialized then). It happens just two seconds after joining a game as a first player. It is quite a bit frustrating as it makes it impossible to e.g. start a mission with a HALO jump. Why? It looks like this - I click "continue" -> a game starts -> the HALO jump is being and has been initialized -> now, I'm descending, ready to open a parachute -> the UPSMON is being initialized with that weapon "reholding", of which I wrote above -> the UPSMON has been initialized and now, I'm descending in a standard, ground position "on my feet" - cool, but i'm still falling down to the ground... I know that the problem is in the init.sqf file, but I can't figure out how to use the commands responsible for waiting with a mission start till all scripts are initialized. Asking you for help, I paste my init.sqf below. nul=[] execVM "briefing.sqf"; execVM "revive\ReviveAceWounds.sqf"; if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then { //Init UPSMON scritp (must be run on all clients) call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf"; //Process statements stored using setVehicleInit processInitCommands; //Finish world initialization before mission is launched. finishMissionInit; waitUntil {player == player}; };
  14. @Skylez Try to add groupName setSpeedMode "FULL". See also: setSpeedMode. Maybe it will override the CARELESS behaviour.
  15. A few weeks ago, I was searching for some informations about the addAction command. I think, that I found a very interesting thread which may help you to some extent. Check here.