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Everything posted by Tyraiel

  1. I think i know what happened, in my stupor i was attempting to launch from the OA shortcut when i have the combined operations pack from GOG.com. Running from the A2CO.exe file seems to hit into the game normally with no problems launching into OA from within the game. Guess i can play DayZ afterall now :P
  2. Yup, thats on automatic ... i turned idiot protection off - so the only messages i get are when i try to run things that wernt originally from my machine, like ... tekkit for example. I did the whole run as an admin just to be sure and still came up with the same error.
  3. Yeah, im stumped ... ive been trying to fix this for four hours now ... i brought the "Combined Operations" pack from GOG Everything else works fine, OA just will not run however. Asides to spending 10 hours last night, that i was supposed to be sleeping ... trying to download the game, due to an issue with GOG's downloader application not being able to retrieve checksums, their website seems to of gone down the pan tonight because i cant post a bloody thing, ive already written to their support team and have been waiting 3 days for a response, im tempted to tell them to shove it and ask for a refund because non of their forum help has ... helped either. I fixed the bad registry entry, now i get; "No entry: Bin\config.bin/cfgingameui/mptable.shadow" + the one about being unable to compile shaders. My graphics drivers are current (according to the amd website they were released today) im using the 1.62 version of OA, ive updated my .net framework to 4, ive turned my antivirus off ... ive run each copy of the ArmA game individually and they all work, apart from OA - DX9C boots me from the install saying no modifications to my DX install are necessary, ive also reinstalled and reapplied the game and the registry fixes several times, the only thing i havnt done is redownloaded the entire game ... since i didnt buy it from steam, and GOG are having issues right now ... thats something i really dont want to do, because it involves babysitting it for better part of a day. Any fresh insight?