I'm getting a really nasty bug on coop right now, i've been stuck here for about 30 minutes.
We are doing mission 4, but no matter what it will not complete.
I am almost positive we installed things correctly, and we have tried many many times and different positions. We even tried going exactly to the
This problem can also clearly be seen in this youtube video I was looking at to try and find a solution.
We are both using version 2.3
We really want to play further past the prologue, the campaign seems super cool.
Please help as soon as you can.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: I was able to get the 5th mission to appear by using Ctrl + - (Numpad) and typing in endmission. But the 5th mission does not load correctly. It lets me click on it once,
but then it goes to the normal mission selector, and once I hit play nothing happens. I also assume that doing this will cause more problems.