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Everything posted by dinoboy123

  1. most of the roads are this way, and it appears in about of a third of the road sections i would say. I'm going to redo a few roads tonight and see if anything changes now that i changed texture base value to a valid number. I think it also might be due to be editing hills and valleys and then reimporting the roads into visitor, but i guess i'll have to wait and see
  2. thanks a ton for the response! i'm surprised no one else has run into this issue before. I'm weighing a couple options, such as painting the terrain a darker color around edges, but for now i'm keeping it mostly shallow, and having steep dropoffs which seems to mask this boundary issue a bit. I'm hoping this is one of those things that I will notice as the editor, but the average gamer will overlook.
  3. I've been scratchin my head off and on for the last week figuring out the best way to handle this tricky situation. I've double checked my heightfield to ensure a smooth drop off from land to water, but that doesn't seem to be the issue. I guess the Arma 2 engine prefers a distinct seperation in heights underwater, as opposed to a gradual slope. I'm hoping that someone out there knows a script for the config that can resolve the large pixilation of shadows to represent the deeper water, or remove it altogether, or knows a simple way to fix this issue in l3dt. Hopefully the pictures below can help show my situation! Thanks for any input! -Andrew aerial view of the blocky shadows http://i1308.photobucket.com/albums/s612/andrew_voorhees32/ArmA2OA2013-05-0623-53-32-32_zps486001f3.png how it looks up close in game http://i1308.photobucket.com/albums/s612/andrew_voorhees32/ArmA2OA2013-05-0623-52-20-39_zpsa8d2fd60.png my smooth heightfield http://i1308.photobucket.com/albums/s612/andrew_voorhees32/heightfield_zps47ae5622.png
  4. http://i1308.photobucket.com/albums/s612/andrew_voorhees32/ArmA2OA2013-03-2500-06-20-72_zps6b2d57ca.png Is that at all like whats happening with your textures? If so BL posted something about the order surfaces in the layers.cfg http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?151619-Difficulty-Smoothing-Transitions-between-different-Terrain-Surfaces In the end i just was lazy and cranked up the clutter density to cover the weird transition lines... Hope this helps! -Andrew
  5. I'm truly stuck on this problem it seems. I tried redoing the xyz file by adding defined dropoffs, in the hopes that this would allow for the game engine to add deep water shadow/effects smoothly. However, i still get the same blocky look. I assume there is some way to tell the game engine to better outline/follow the terrain, rather than just adding a giant grid of shadows for deeper water effect. My map is currently inheriting the default settings, so I may try tweaking those. any advice is appreciated! -Andrew
  6. I really want to tone down the cartoonish bright colors of my terrain a bit and tried messing around with ground reflection. However increasing the values by factors of 10 seemed to have little effect, if any, is there something i'm missing here? Ideally i'd like to only tone down the values of the terrain, not objects, also i do not have photoshop, so editing my l3dt 16384 pixel image isn't exactly an option. Hopefully there is some function in arma that will allow me to do this. Thanks for any input! Andrew
  7. dinoboy123

    Best Way to Increase Saturation?

    excellent help guys! this should save me from redoing the entire terrain
  8. I got interested in creating my own weapon as a starter project since I enjoy the realism of this game. However, I run into more problems than I seem to handle. My goal right now is to simply take the model I edited, from the Arma 1 sample models, and implement it into Arma 2. I have tried at least a dozen ways to try and get the model into the game and edit the name, but I keep getting errors. The tutorials I've seen dont cover weapons and dont go in depth on the config file so I'm not sure what do at the moment. When I change the displaymodelname= the weapon disappears in game or arma wont load it at all If i change the model p3d file to the G36 sample model, or anyother, arma says it cannot be loaded into the game or it is invisible. I do not binarize any of my files, If that's of any help. I have also tried just swapping models from within arma 2 (e.g. tell the cfg file to get the m107 model instead of m1014) but this also just creates an invisible gun. I'm sure the config file has stupid mistakes, but I'm clueless since every little tweak I make seems to ruin it. Thanks for any advice! Here is my most basic/recent cfg file which made //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define _ARMA_ //Class weapons2 : huntingrifle\config.bin{ class CfgPatches { class CAWeapons2_ANDY { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"CAweapons2"}; }; }; class CfgMagazines { class CA_Magazine; class 5x_22_LR_17_HMR: CA_Magazine { scope = 2; displayName = "$STR_MN_5x_22_LR_17_HMR"; picture = "\Ca\weapons\Data\Equip\m_M24_CA.paa"; count = 5; ammo = "B_762x51_noTracer"; initSpeed = 870; sound[] = {"Ca\sounds\Weapons\rifles\M24_single3",10.0,1,1800}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"Ca\sounds\Weapons\rifles\M1014-reload",0.01,1,20}; descriptionShort = "$STR_DSS_5Rnd_CZ_550"; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class M24; class huntingrifle: M24 { scope = 2; displayName = "$STR_DN_huntingrifleANDY"; model = "\ca\weapons2\huntingrifle\G36"; magazines[] = {"5x_22_LR_17_HMR"}; picture = "\Ca\weapons2\huntingrifle\data\equip\W_huntingrifle_CA.paa"; modelOptics = "\ca\weapons\2Dscope_Hunter_12"; opticsPPEffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera2","OpticsBlur2"}; opticsZoomInit = 0.083; opticsZoomMin = 0.0208; opticsZoomMax = 0.083; distanceZoomMin = 300; distanceZoomMax = 100; minRange = 2; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 300; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 600; maxRangeProbab = 0.05; dispersion = 0.00045; handAnim[] = {"OFP2_ManSkeleton","\Ca\weapons\data\Anim\M24.rtm"}; class Library { libTextDesc = "$STR_LIB_ANDY"; }; descriptionShort = "$STR_DSS_ANDY"; }; }; //};
  9. So define in the config that my structure is a building? I assumed defining it as a house was sufficient. Either way I'll try fixing the class and p3d names, hopefully thats the issue! Thanks!
  10. Hey guys, I've been working on getting my bridge to work properly off and on for the last few months, while working on my upcoming map. The one issue that keeps bugging me is the fact that the bridge i made in oxygen refuses to function as specified in the config. INstead, it acts as the default value of a tree, turning over sideways when hit by large trucks, when it should be indestructable. I have tried many configs some from scratch, and out of desperation some templates from other custom buildings that seem to work fine in game. I'll post some example configs i've tried below. To me, it just seems that the config and the model refuse to be connected to one another. THe model geometry works fine, since you can walk across it, shoot it etc. But any property specified in the config such as map icon, armor etc refuses to exist in game ANY advice is GREATLY appreciated since i've spent many hours editing the config, file structure etc and seeing no result ingame. PS Is there a step in Oxygen that specifies which config to use? I also noticed that buildings that do not specify a map icon in the config still have one in game, yet my buildings do not regardless of the config. This leads me to believe that there is a step needed in oxygen or visitor 3 that i am missing... Failed attempts at having my bridge acting as indestructable object that functions as a house (rather than a default tree value) #define _ARMA_ class CfgPatches { class Andy_Bridge { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class House; class LAND_Andy_Bridge1: House { model = "\andy_bridge\Land_al_bridge.p3d"; armor = 1320; icon = "iconStaticObject"; simulation = "road"; scope = 1; destrType = "DestructBuilding"; accuracy = 0.2; }; }; #define _ARMA_ //Class rth_wind_turbines : config.bin{ class CfgPatches { class 1al_bridge { units[] = {"1al_bridge1"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1; requiredAddons[] = {"CABuildings"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class House; class 1al_bridge1: House { model = "\1al_bridge\vetrak1al.p3d"; armor = 55555555500000; scope = 1; accuracy = 0.2; }; };
  11. I'm hoping this is a dumb mistake i'm overlooking, but I cant seem to figure out a trend to why these buildings are glitching out. The first thing i noticed wrong is that clutter is popping up inside the buildings near the edges, which seems odd needless to say. I didn't scale the buildings in visitor, and they are all buildings from arma. The more important issue is that these buildings will disappear if you walk into the corners that have clutter. I provided pics below to help show the issue. If anyone has any idead it would be extremely helpful since I'm desperate to finish my map asap and this is derailing the entire process Thanks Andrew http://i1308.photobucket.com/albums/s612/andrew_voorhees32/ArmA2OA2013-03-3014-09-25-72_zpsebb746fc.png http://i1308.photobucket.com/albums/s612/andrew_voorhees32/ArmA2OA2013-03-3014-10-48-62_zps9144ef3f.png
  12. i bumped it up to 20 m, and it seems to work great, so i think i will leave it be. What value is this tweaking anyhow? I havent noticed any change in the terrain, attributes, or terrain cell size? Thanks for the advice
  13. never thought of trying that! i'll give it a shot and see if the terrains blend better
  14. I've spent the last day and a half trying to find the best mco and co images for my surfaces in game. However I've been stuck trying to find the perfect transition between the mud surface and the surrounding grass. The two images seem to clash with one another, with a pixilated neon green border that does no help in smoothing out where the two areas meet. I thought this was perhaps an issue with my attributes map, or sat map, however my grid is 1024 on a 10240 meter map, and my image is 16384, so it should be plenty detailed. Also, the rocky terrain has a very smooth and natural transition to the grass surface (as in the second pic) I've been messing around with different images, and noticed some darker ones clashed less with the grass, but dont adapt to the surrounding terrain image (which is a very light brown), giving a weird effect of having the ground immediately infront darker, while much lighter further away. I also tried messing with some of the rvmat values but have not had any luck with that either. If anyone has any advice or experience with this it would be much appreciated. Hopefully the pics will help show my problem thanks -andrew bad transitioning between the mud/dirt surface to grass http://i1308.photobucket.com/albums/s612/andrew_voorhees32/ArmA2OA2013-03-2500-06-20-72_zps6b2d57ca.png good transitioning http://i1308.photobucket.com/albums/s612/andrew_voorhees32/ArmA2OA2013-03-2500-05-24-56_zps4cc42e27.png
  15. Unfortunately i came to a similar realization last night, after noticing how clutter was popping up in a distinct grid smaller than the actual size of the building. I had been using a 1024 grid height map with 10 m per per grid, giving a reasonable 10 k by 10 k map size. It looks like i can barely get away with using 18 m by 18 m, without too much glitching, but its effects on mountain steepness is definitely noticeable. It seems that the issue only affects larger buildings, like the hangar, since the distortion between the visibible building, and its actual grid size, gets scaled up. I tried importing my height field as a 512, despite it being a 1024, and it just got scaled awkwardly in visitor 3, so hopefully l3dt can use the same height field and export it as a 512 so i dont have to start the project from scratch. Thanks a ton for the advice from both of you! hopefully others will avoid this mistake! *I havent tried editing the texture layer yet, just have messed around with the terrain cell size, hopefully this will fix my problem without having to make my map too big
  16. thanks for the help! I re-edited my config but I still get the same result in game. I was wondering if there was a step involved in oxygen 2 to connect the model with the config before it gets put in place in visitor 3. #define _ARMA_ //Class Roads2 : bridge\config.bin{ class CfgPatches { class Land_al_bridge { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"CARoads2"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class HouseBase; class al_House: HouseBase { class DestructionEffects; }; class Land_al_bridge:al_House { scope = 1; model = "\bridge\al_bridge.p3d"; simulation = "house"; armor = 650; class Destruction { animations[] = {}; }; }; }; //};
  17. I originally posted this in the modeling section, however, i realized this is more of a config issue. I'm currently working on a bridge for my custom map. I'm able to place it in visitor 3 and interact with it in game fine. However, despite the config i created for it, it refuses to change its strength, damage, or icon on the map. I assume the game is assiging a default value of a tree, since if i hit it with a large vehicle with a ural, it will turn over on its side. When, u crash into it it also makes the same sound effects as a tree. I'm confused as to why my config isnt doing its job,as it is placed within the addon and refers to p3d being used in visitor. Anybody faced this issue before? Thanks for any input! -Andrew Here is my uber simple config, that refuses to increase the armor value or add an icon to the map //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 3.97 //http://dev-heaven.net/projects/list_files/mikero-pbodll //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define _ARMA_ class CfgPatches { class Andy_Bridge { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class HouseBase; class House: HouseBase { class DestructionEffects; }; class Andy_Bridge: House { model = "\andy_bridge\bridge_redo.p3d"; armor = 1320; icon = "iconStaticObject"; simulation = "road"; scope = 1; destrType = "DestructBuilding"; damageResistance = 0.004; }; };
  18. i've been working away on my map through l3dt and have made some fairly decent sat and mask images. However, I have run into a major problem that i've tried solving about a dozen times now with no luck. In game the terrain surfaces have the incorrect soundhit (eg, sand has a hard ground sound, when i clearly state in the file i want soft_ground). I have reviewed the config over and over, along with the layers file, to understand what is the issue, but I cant seem to figure out what could be wrong. I feel something becomes messed up during binarization but other than that i have no clue. Hopefully you guys can gloss over my surface and layer files and notice any oversights i may have made. Thanks for any help! -Andrew class CfgSurfaces { class Default {}; class SMgrassSurface : Default { files = "sm_grass_*"; rough = 0.1; dust = 0.1; soundEnviron = "grass"; character = "sm_grassClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class RockSurface : Default { files = "al_rock*"; rough = 0.00251; dust = 0.1; soundEnviron = "grass"; character = "rock_clutter"; soundHit = "concrete"; }; class SandSurface : Default { files = "al_sand*"; rough = 0.00451; dust = 0.41; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "sand_clutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class MudSurface : Default { files = "al_mud*"; rough = 0.0031; dust = 0.41; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "mud_clutter"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; }; }; class CfgSurfaceCharacters { class sm_grassClutter { probability[]={0.79,0.1,0.1,0.01}; names[]={"al_grasstall","al_GrassCrookedGreen","al_GrassCrooked","al_AutumnFlowers","al_WeedDead"}; }; class rock_clutter { probability[]={0.0119,.01}; names[]={"al_GrassCrookedForest","al_WeedDead"}; }; class sand_clutter { probability[]={.0001}; names[]={"al_weed2"}; }; class mud_clutter { probability[]={.1}; names[]={"al_weed2"}; }; }; class Layers { class sm_grass { texture = "andy_map8\data\al_grass_mco.png"; material= "andy_map8\data\al_grass.rvmat"; }; class al_sand { texture = "andy_map8\data\al_sand.png"; material="andy_map8\data\al_sand_polopoust.rvmat"; }; class rock { texture = "andy_map8\data\al_rock.png"; material="andy_map8\data\al_rock_polopoust - Copy.rvmat"; }; class mud { texture = "andy_map8\data\al_mud.png"; material="andy_map8\data\al_mud_polopoust - Copy - Copy.rvmat"; }; }; class Legend { picture="andy_map8\source\mapLegend.png"; class Colors { sm_grass[]={{130,192,80}}; sand[]={{230,230,120}}; rock[]={{120,120,120}}; mud[]={{200,170,100}}; }; }; PS: I am attempting to use 4 terrains, which i've heard from some users as being impossible, but I could have sworn seeing more than 3 terrain types ingame on other maps. So far the 4th terrain is converted into the third terrain despite the obvious color difference in the mask image.
  19. i was infact going to do it the first way. I was aware of road tools made by some users, but I feel like if i have to learn another software program my head is gonna explode, especially with midterms coming up. If i get a break in the next few weeks i'll definitley try them out, but i figured painting them in in l3dt kills 2 birds with one stone since you can see them from a distance as they are part of the sat map, and will allow me to place spots of clutter on the road for a more rustic/rural feel * in hindsight, it looks like the roads come out a little too pixilated than hopedfor, i guess i'll go give the other options a shot
  20. Excellent help! I have your beginners guide open at all times when working on any map and has managed to keep me going for the last week straight without any problems! As for the odd choice of soundhits and environment, at this point i'm just desperate to get any change in sound. I keep loading in the game and sand makes a hardground sound. I assume this must be a conflict so I am redoing all my tags. As for the low roughness values, I am attempting to paint mud/dirt roads into the game in l3dt rather than painstakingly adding roads in visitor 3. Hopefully I can get the 4th terrain to work successfully after I do some serious cleaning up on all my code -Andrew
  21. I've recently managed to create a few nice new weapons for my map i am making and naturally decided to try some custom buildings as well. I designed a simple bridge completely within oxygen 2, and then added all the respective lods as discussed in mondkalbs tutorial. In game however, i run into serious clipping issues. I am able to drive across my bridge, but all of the sudden i will fall through. Also, most parts of the bridge such as the base poles i can walk right through. Only about 10% of it is treated as an actual collideable solid. I double checked to make sure all of my lods are correct. Also, no bullets collide with it, even the areas i can drive across My only thought is maybe this is an rvmat issue, because i followed mondkalbs tutorial extremely closely for modeling. Anyone else had this problem before?
  22. Thanks so much for the help I've gotten so far this weekend! I managed to solve several nagging problems with my map and am getting very close to being able to create a bug free/playable world. THe last problem that i have kept ignoring until now has been adding clutter. I have a simple cfgClutter which should add grass and several other p3ds in game. I understand the basic fundamentals of how the cfg works in terms of distances, detail etc. however I clearly do not understand the path needed for the game to use it, or some other issue. I posted the code below in case there is a flaw there, but i think the issue lies in how it is placed within my addon folder (see link to photobucket) I think this will be a simple problem for most of you guys, but I've run out of ideas on why i cant get any clutter to appear in game, you guys always seem to point out my obvious mistakes! To sum my issues: I have the cfgClutter placed in my addon folder, and references the p3ds i want in game, however no clutter appears. I am able to see clutter that i manually place as a natural object however Thanks -Andrew http://i1308.photobucket.com/albums/s612/andrew_voorhees32/andy_clutter2_zps93ea0842.png clutterGrid = 1.0; clutterDist = 125; noDetailDist = 40; fullDetailDist = 15; midDetailTexture = "ca\chernarus\data\cr_trava1_mco.paa"; minTreesInForestSquare = 3; minRocksInRockSquare = 3; class clutter { class sm_grasstall: DefaultClutter { model=ca\plants2\clutter\c_grasstall.p3d; affectedByWind = 0.60; swLighting = true; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class sm_AutumnFlowers: DefaultClutter { model=ca\plants2\clutter\c_autumn_flowers.p3d; affectedByWind = 0.4; swLighting = true; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class sm_GrassCrooked: DefaultClutter { model=ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassCrooked.p3d; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = true; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.4; }; class sm_GrassCrookedGreen: DefaultClutter { model=ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassCrookedGreen.p3d; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = true; scaleMin = 0.9; scaleMax = 1.3; }; class sm_WeedDead: DefaultClutter { model=ca\plants2\clutter\c_WeedDead.p3d; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = true; scaleMin = 0.75; scaleMax = 1.1; }; };
  23. dinoboy123

    Issue with cfgClutter

    all the layers paa's are within the tut_samplemap/data/layers, which is packed as a separate pbo. I've been meaning to make a new xyz/map altogether but have just been using an older map i made from wilbur back when i was using the tutorial for testing. It seems to work fine ingame but in hindsight i should probably scratch it and get started making a new height map. As for the class names, i was unware this might cause a conflict. So you are saying that sm_* class names conflict with already defined classes? So i should just rename the class whatever value i feel and then a new class will be defined using the same p3ds/textures/rvmats? I'll try this out as soon as i get home from work, just curious to understanding the logic behind the error Thanks!
  24. adding components and weights allowed for bullets to hit every part of the object, part of the surface allows me to walk on it ( the top section of the road acts as a real surface) however the beams and railings still allow me to pass through. I'm looking over my lods/ components list and each item is identical, except for the individual masses. Anyone have any ideas on why certain objects refuse to behave as collideable in game? Thanks, andrew ps several of my objects received the error : cannot generate coo....
  25. awesome!! Thanks for saving me 3+ hours of frustration and clicking aimlessly!