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About cowboymiller

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Thanks for the info. I'll try it out this weekend and let you know how it all goes. Thanks again.
  2. Ill give this a shot, however i am limited on the BIS_fn that i can use. Ill explain later once i get something working. the above script looks good however it is using a lot of the BIS_fns thanks again though!!
  3. Let's say I've ported over the cherno map and want to restrict the players to the skalisty island. I don't want any players leaving the island. Maybe in a prison island setting. Ideally I would love to just place walls all the way around the island. But that's too tedious. Lol. But I don't want them to be able to slip off the island and swim to the main land. Let's pretend im limited on the bis functions I can use as well. Hope that's enough context. :)
  4. Kusluk, i like this idea. i was leaning towards an oval marker BUT never thought of a greater than less than. i can make it round then really dont even need a marker. just a pos. i was using the marker for more of a defined area visually, but i can easly say "say stay on this island" lol. it is MP however, so how could i check it against the player that has moved beyond the dis?
  5. Hey guys, having some trouble and thought i would reach out rather than pull my hair out. It may seem simple to some so please refrain from the hating. Im trying to create a Stayzone if you will using scripts. NOT in the mission editor. Where i place a marker, and the players MUST stay with in the marker area. if they venture out of the marker area, a timer is displayed of a given amount that they can return into the marker area with out being hurt or killed. Yes i can easily do this with the mission editor, markers and triggers, however im wanting to make it an exScript instead. THAT is where im having trouble. and yes ive researched it thru and thru and always get pointed back to "use the int line" in the mission editor. NOT what im looking for. Just a little direction in the script department WITH OUT using the editor. Thanks in advance for all the useful info!!
  6. After further testing....do not delete the Modules at all...everything else is good to remove from any of the NEW mods folders you added. PS dont use the DL content (as in the PMC BAF OR ACR) too many errors and corrupted configs...only use the Original Addons, Common and Expansions. animations work great and only a hand full of errors. WAY better to play with..let me knowhow it goes
  7. ok basically what i did was i created a mod folder for every group of .pbos that A2 was using. Example, inside the A2 root is a folder called Addons. ok so create a mod folder with the name @A2Addons then copy the Addons folder inside it. there is also a folder called Common that has .pbos in it. create a mod folder called @A2Common and then create an addons folder in it with the .pbos from the common folder. got PMC or BAF? do the same, @BAF and @PMC and take those addon folders and place them in the mod folders. Dont forget the .pbos in the Expansions folder too!! next is the somewhat tricky part, make sure inside each addons folder you find and delete any files that are similar to the following list: (except the original A3 addons folder) editor.pbo editor.pbo.bi.bisign editor.pbo.bi2.bisign ui.pbo ui.pbo.bi.bisign ui.pbo.bi2.bisign UIFonts.pbo UIFonts.pbo.bi.bisign uifonts.pbo.bi2.bisign modules.pbo modules.pbo.bi.bisign modules.pbo.bi2.bisign anims.pbo anims.pbo.bi.bisign anims.pbo.bi2.bisign Once youve done all this, create a short cut of the arma3.exe and add this line to the end -mod=@A2Addons;@A2Common;@PMC;@BAF and so on and so on. here is an example of my bat file string. (with out quots) "start arma3.exe -mod=@A2COM;@A2ORG;@A2ACR;@A2BAF;@A2EX;@A2PMC -nosplash -skipIntro -cpuCount=2 -maxMem=6144" Now some of the A2 content relays on the modules pbos and such. play around with deleting some and leaving others. you will get errors. the UI ones have to go though, other wise you will get A2 interface over the top of A3 interface...cumbersome. its not perfect, and most of the weapons have animation glitches where the player is holding the gun a foot below the normal spot. but the vehicles work great. if you get any head way or need help or have any ideas to make it better, let me know.....so far, ive edited my wasteland scripts to incorporate all the vehicles and static weapons, left out all the weapons cuz the animations are so jacked, but give it time, im sure someone will figure out how to fix it. Good Luck!! let me know and we can play on my servers sometime!!
  8. So im guessing the method i used to port over all my old content is legal in the simple fact that i did not get it from somewhere else, i simply used the content i have already paid for and moved it into a mod folder. there are some errors and animation glitches but most of the Vehicles work. and maps. makes for an interesting Wasteland build when adding in all the other vehicles, including all the hidden vehicles that already exist on A3 that you dont see in any wasteland servers. of corse the ported over vehicles do not use the improved 'engine' or transmission of the newer vehicles. But That could be changed using an unsupported method of merging unique config files to add in the transmission configs. All in all, its pretty fun to play Stratis with all the older vehicles. But also opens up all the older maps as well. Anyway, wanted to put in my 2 sense.
  9. @diesol, its not the loading screen conflicting with your other loading screen thats the problem, if its hung up on "loading player data" this tends to be a problem with the specific player data being pulled from the data base, do you have any entries in the player table? you may want to delete the record and start fresh. I use NaviCat, its a way easier way to see the tables and change tables if need be.
  10. it looks like it is not pulling the mission into the DB. what do your other logs show? might try starting with an empty data base, remove all data that may be in the tables. ive noticed it throws that error when ever SOMETHING in the tables is missing a variable. or is "NULL" check the other logs too... Ive recreated it the .sql that sets up the tables to include [] or "" in the fields that NEED to have a variable in them, ill try and upload it later.
  11. ive noticed that if there is a player in the DB with out a weapon then it gets hung up there...try removing the player entirely and letting the script inject the new player data on the next log in. might try setting the player save time to something quicker as well. Is there anyone that has this all working that could get me an SQL dump of the tables? such as the objects, locations, landvehicles and cms_permissions (whats this for?) ive pretty much got everything working as in no real errors. i want to wrint an inject script/pl that will inject objects and vehicles into the DB so i need an example dump. Thanks guys!! ...also it might help to add the 'null' values to the sql provided, that way when manually entering data the null values are also added instead of leaving them blank. i think this will help with the hanging up when it cant find data in certain tables. this way it would find the data, even if its a 0 or "" or [],which ever the case would be for certain fields..
  12. try putting it in the arma2net folder...or the plugin folder....i put it pretty much in all those locations and it finally worked..lol
  13. check here... C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Connector Net 6.6.4\Assemblies\v4.0 (or v2.0) does anyone have an example of the landvehicles, like a dump? cant seem to get the landvehicles to populate, so entering them manually i dont know what all the Columbus stand for, there is no explanation anywhere so im guessing.
  14. that was the whole problem, i had installed the 64bit connector....ok so ive got the dll in the right spot. the spam error is gone, abl to log into the game and play HOWEVER there is nothing being injected into the data base. here are the 2 logs showing errors the server log any time i log into the mission and the Arma2netMysql log
  15. oops...double post? i think my last post was too long so its being reviewed, but didnt know that so i posted it again...lol. hopefully the moderator will let it thru haha