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Posts posted by georetro

  1. Hey guys I don't know if this is in the right forum section but basically I am developing an RPG mod for Arma 2 OA. I wanted to know, how I can make a standalone installer for it to install the mods etc....

    I know it is possible because DayZ and City Life have done it!

    Thank you if you can respond :)

  2. _PIDList =
    if (!(getPlayerUID player in _PIDList)) exitWith
    hint "You are not an admin!";

    So do I basically do for this

    _PIDList =
        "Player Id number",
        "Player Id number"
    if (!(getPlayerUID player in _PIDList)) exitWith
                       hint "You are not an admin!";

    Thank you. My final questions are:

    After the if statement I want it to run the k6_Menu.sqf file if someone is an admin or has the player id number. How would I do that?

    Thanks xD

  3. Please don't bump your threads unless you've waited a long time, someone will get to your question.

    It's hard to help people with no actual problem, I suggest you learn a bit about SQF before wanting to jump into something more advanced like an interactive GUI.


    Thanks and sorry! I already know some of the coding for the admin menu. I looked at the admin menu that comes with Takistan Life, there is a lot of code in their that I can use.

    Do you know how I could add or make a script that only allows certain player UID numbers to have this menu???

    Sorry again xD
