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Posts posted by Edenbn

  1. This is a neat idea, however even with this it's almost impossible to communicate without radios. The shout is just too weak. Even in-game direct chat VOIP is way more loud and clear. Is there anything this mod can do to handle this or is it something that needs to be done on the ACRE side of things?


    It will be great to have a stronger shout.. the whisper is just perfect.

  2. Well Robert Hammer is a really nice guy who knows what he's doing and who has helped out my mod in the past. If I get permission from the guy who made the model/textures, then Robert Hammer will most likely let my mod use his completed version. So if you can send me his contact info I can see if I can just get permission from him and then afterwards talk to Robert Hammer.

    https://www.facebook.com/andrey.0x :eek:

  3. Raafatah64, the Achzarit may or may not be in the pack. Most likely it will be an update though. Right now I'm working doing contract work with a deadline so I won't be able to work on stuff probably until next week. Then I'll be back at it and see if I can finally get this damn pack released. I know I keep saying it's almost done, but stuff keeps coming up and new bugs keep getting found. So please be patient folks.

    @Edenbn, no time to do screenshots right now, but really it's nothing special. If I get a chance to I'll do a pic once it gets close to release as I need to do pics for the pack release anyways (and maybe a video).

    Oh thanks!

    I heard that someone made a new 3D model of the Negev that looks great but he doesn't know how to get it into the game.. Think you guys can do this for him?

  4. Sorry we haven't done an update on news in awhile. Been busy working and dealing with family health issues. The stuff is close to being done. Just fixing up the D-9 still. Gunter, as far as that Taliban pack, right now there are no plans to port it over as of right now as the BI models are better (although we have a few unique ones). With that said I have been wanting to make some 80's Afghan War Russian units, so who knows, maybe later down the line I might get around to converting some of those models.

    ---------- Post added at 18:44 ---------- Previous post was at 18:39 ----------

    Oh and yes, there will be a Negev although it's not a very good model (old OFP era model). I'm trying to find someone who can do a better Negev model for us.

    Great! :yay:

    Can you post a photo of the Negev ? :bounce3:
