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About Ford555

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hello, i am glad to announce my new mission. Please try it and enjoy!. The tasks are very easy to understand for english people, 1)take documents 2) kill officer 3) rescue hostile 4) take hostile to place. NO ADDONS REQUIRED! just subscribe and play! its on stream workshop you can try it here http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=278404618&searchtext=Leyenda thank you!
  2. Hello using a script .sqf i create a west unit, i make this unit join to a east soldier in the map. The problem is, i dont want this ia follow the orders from this soldier because ia start walking . Can i do that in other form? ---------- Post added at 19:27 ---------- Previous post was at 19:03 ---------- ok it works for me commandStop _unit; thanks :)
  3. thanks for the answer. for sure i am hitting 144 groups and that is the problem. i do this: .......... if(T_Server) then { _amount = 30; class = "O_Soldier_F"; for "_x" from 1 to _amount do { _triggerpos=[getPos player select 0,getPos player select 1,0]; _dummyGroupEast = createGroup east; _zombie = _dummyGroupEast createUnit [_class, _triggerpos, [], 10, "NONE"]; [_zombie] joinSilent _dummyGroupEast; deleteGroup _dummyGroupEast; null = [0, _zombie] execFSM "Zombielanas.fsm"; }; }; in Zombielanas.fsm when a zombie die i do: deleteVehicle _zombie; how i can do for delete groups created? thanks in advance! edited: or better can i add all zombies to the group of a unit? i.e. _dummyGroupEast = group e1; e1 = unit name from a east soldier ---------- Post added at 22:14 ---------- Previous post was at 21:25 ---------- ok it works! or better can i add all zombies to the group of a unit? i.e. _dummyGroupEast = group e1; e1 = unit name from a east soldier that solved my issue. thanks!
  4. ok i realise one thing: its a limit of maximum men on map. trigger works repeatdly, but when man created are around 100, then it finish!!!. Someone knows maximum number of ias in arma3¿?¿? . when men dies, i deleteVehicle --> man but it doesnt reset the counter. anybody knows how to reset the counter¿?¿? thanks
  5. maybe its not a good idea call same script from different triggers, what do you think? ---------- Post added at 16:03 ---------- Previous post was at 15:18 ---------- more data, from example.sqf i call execFSM archive too
  6. thanks for the answer. I am sure trigger1 is deactivate because when i go out of trigger1 in deact i put hint "i am leaving" and it shown in screen, then i go to trigger 2, everything is all right, but when i return to trigger1 then it is not activate again. Maybe because script called with execVM is not stopped ¿?¿?
  7. Hello im sorry about my english., i read a lot in internet and forums and i cant understand I have some triggers with for example trigger1: activate:blufor and repeatdly and present. init: this onAct: z1 = [] execVM "example.sqf"; onDeact: terminate z1 trigger2: activate:blufor and repeatdly and present. init: this onAct: z2 = [] execVM "example.sqf"; onDeact: terminate z2 example.sqf is an script who create 20 men every 1 seconds. If i run with my soldier and activate trigger1 it works (20 men), then i run to trigger2 (separated from the other) and it works (20 more men) but if i return to the first trigger then it does not works. What i am doing bad? whats the solution? thank you!
  8. I response myself it seems only some actions are transfered thought the net. So i have to put it on init.sqf and with if(isPlayer)
  9. about isDedicated: in a multiplayer mission, if I do: if (isDedicated) then { removeUniform unit } unit being someone soldier object. The question is: Are all the machines of the players seeing soldier out of uniform? or i have to do it in all machines except isServer and isDedicated?¿ sorry about my english. What i want to do is if any soldier dies, then remove uniform and add other uniform and all machines can see the new uniform. thanks a lot!
  10. thank you very much! yesterday i was trying that and it works fine (now i can understand better it, thank you!). I dont explain very well my intentions: it send to all players 'say' command script. what i wanted is send only for the player who is attacked by a zombie, but it was no problem thank to you! but finally i used new script command 'playSound3D' and it is perfect!. now sound works. Now when a zombie attack one soldier i need it shows a picture on screen (a scratch). situation: i have .fsm file with conditions and states, when zombie is nearest target then zombie attack and when zombie attack it send a sound (solved with 'playSound3D') and shows a picture on screen (a scratch). So i do this: in state .fsm file: [[[1],"show.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",_zTarget,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; _zTarget is the target of the zombie (a player) and i think it can be the problem (when i play with an IA assigned to me in a dedicated server, when IA is attacked by a zombie i can see the scratch too, but if a put _zombie instead _zTarget i cant see the picture) show.sqf; addCamShake [5, 1, 25]; cutText [format[(scratch%1), 1], "PLAIN"]; Again sorry for my english and thanks for the help! ---------- Post added at 12:12 ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 ---------- or if i put 'player' instead '_zTarget' it will be ok?. i must put 'player' or '_player' in .fsm file,.... and it can recognize its me or another player¿?
  11. ok sorry about my english (i live in Spain). I cant understand at all BIS_fnc_MP function: ok in single player it works perfectly but not in MP. In arma2, multiplayer framework was the solution but in arma3 it seems the solution is here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Functions_Library_%28Arma_3%29 ok but i cant understand because there is no real examples. if i want for example use 'say' scripting command (i think there are no one function created for 'say') for multiplayer. in arma2 i remember i wrote: [nil,player,rSay,....] call RE or something similar but now i am stuck. i am trying with this: init.sqf _handle = execVM "functions.sqf"; functions.sqf funcsay { private ("_pic"); _pic = this select 0; (_pic) say ["whisper1",5]; }; description.ext whisper1 is well defined in description.ext and then i write in a state (in a .FSM file) when condition is true : [_pic,"funcsay",player,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; but it works in SP but not broadcasting in network please help me, thanks! pd: i am at work so its posible some errors in the code because i wrote it from my memory
  12. i have a .fsm for create zombies, every zombie when chase "rSay" a sound. when there are 9 zombies in play and they kill me it make me a appCrash and game crash. i think it could be because there are 9 sounds playing at same time. is it possible? any idea? thank you very much and sorry about my english!
  13. Perfect! thanks!,thanks for help me! it works perfect now!!
  14. i have a trigger activated by bluefor an it do: 0 = [thisTrigger,50] execVM "createzombie.sqf"; what createzombie.sqf do is every 10 seconds create a zombie in random position (50 meters near to the trigger) createzombie.sqf: what i want is when i get out of the trigger's area, no more zombies keep going creating. somebody help me! please :)