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Everything posted by WesWahl

  1. 31st MEU(SOC) MCB Camp Butler, Okinawa, Japan The 31st MEU(SOC) is a military realism unit for ArmA 2:Combined Operations. This unit is formed in the image of a Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable). We try to keep an authentic feel to the organization and tactics of the Marine Corps. All of our training and procedures mirror the real-world MEUs, as well as the structure and assets of the unit. The MEU consists of a command element, an infantry battalion with artillery, amphibious vehicle and other attachments, a composite helicopter squadron reinforced with a Harrier squadron and a combat logistics battalion. I am looking for motivated and enthusiastic individuals who are willing to take on high ranking roles within the unit. I ave laid the foundation and everything is set up, and you will be briefed on everything when you enter the unit. Currently there are only myself, so that would make any position you want open(depending on when you read this), i have developed a website, and teamspeak, and the entire structure of the unit is planned out. If interested: Join the website at http://31stmeu.net, from which you can PM me. Join the teamspeak 31stmeu.teamspeak3.com to speak to me directly, Or PM me on these forums, or e-mail me at wes.wahl96@gmail.com I look forward to starting this unit, and beginning training and operations,
  2. Squad name: 4th Battalion "Nighthawks" Timezone/location : PT, but all u.s. members are allowed Gamemode preference: mainly coop, but will do pvp too Contact email: wes.wahl96@gmail.com Website address: 4thnighthawks.shivtr.com Short description:NH is a newly formed, Military Simulation community focused on ARMA2. This community promotes the utilization of team work, small unit tactics, and effective communication. NH uses a military structure, and is broken down from the Company level. You will undergo a training regimen. You will be exposed to NH tactics in order to ensure swift assimilation, and preparation for immediate deployment with a premier NH element. This community utilizes ACE and ACRE. Language:English