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Everything posted by zaksle75

  1. ACE wounds is on and there is the ACE healing and all that but if theres a guy bleeding it says he appears to be fine and so you dont get the full options. My character and friends never have passed out from running too much nor pass out from anything, there is no severely injured in this mission just pure death.
  2. Takistan they just run all over the place ignoring orders, gonna do what Savage said to see if it works. ACE wounds is enabled it says but everything always rather dies than being severely injured.
  3. Yeah we use Zeus AI and ASR AI and ACE. The enemies are deadly and stuffs but in Takistan mostly it's so hard we tell guys to like follow us they like no can do they die when they spawn sometimes... They run away 100 meters then say no can do and everything that's why I started recruit 5 Ai at a time, only happens in the MSO base when they get all stupid. Think theres too much objects, in patrol ops or SP their not as stupid, friends agree with this too. Edit: (ACE Bugs & Questions about the mission) Questions 1) What is Ambient Power Grid and how does it work? 2) In ACE Mod you are able to have units pass out or be severely injured rather than dying, in MSO they always die instead of being able to put a bullet in someones arm, let them run and bleed then pass out and take them prisoner. 2.5) Friendlies are the same so you have rather high death count instead of severely injured people. (If for example you're in SP they will be laying as if their dead and not moving or anything, you'll hear random coughing cause their near death) 3) If we handcuff a Opfor/Independant random soldier they disappear few seconds later, why? Bugs 1) Medics do not heal units. 2) When using ACE interaction menu on a bleeding or injured guy or anyone whose injured it always says 'They appear to be fine' when we examine them, and only seem to have the option of Morphine and Ephinerine.
  4. Why is the Ai so stupid in this mission, especially in base. P.S. Talking bout Zargabad and Takistan.
  5. In the parameters of the mission theres a thing called like Air Traffic and you can set it's intensity and / or disable it.
  6. In the PBO or the base code folder? Edit: How can I change it? Can you give me short step :D?
  7. Yeah someone told me bout the Ai recruit, and the thing with logistics is that the HOST can't use it. But clients to you can.
  8. Can someone also tell me how to increase how much bots we can recruit, 7 isn't enough.
  9. Please answer guys, using ACE. On my friends dedicated server I can use logistics demand, on my friends hosting from desktop server I can use logistics demand, then when I host off myself I can't and I know it's not a setting, I even used same slot as the one that worked! Please someone answer this. Logistics demand is real important to me. Edit: Just tried 4.5 and Logistics Demand was on there but went back to 4.55 and it was gone, my friends were using 4.55 :/ Still need a answer!
  10. zaksle75

    NV on Helmet(s) Animation

    An animation doesn't really matter what I'm saying is if we enable Night Vision it should not be on the helmet and your eyes at the same time. The NV on the helmet should be like deleted then when NV is off it should be back on helmet, like a light switch for example, back and forth!
  11. zaksle75

    NV on Helmet(s) Animation

    Something like this for ARMA 3 could be good if they implant it good enough.
  12. zaksle75

    NV on Helmet(s) Animation

    It would be great for the modding community to have these toggling animations go on, look at ACE 2 for example they got goggles on their helmet and goggles on their hats, it's embarrassing :b
  13. zaksle75

    Do you want Laaagdoll Physics in ArmA 3?

  14. Seems like the Americans are riding French VABs in the videos. So I'd like a RG- whatever number it is, MRAPS. http://media.defenseindustrydaily.com/images/LAND_MRAP_MaxxPro_CAT-I_Camp_Liberty_Iraq_lg.jpg