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About VooDooCZ

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  1. I Know, it shouldn't be called a bug but... It's pretty annoing, i thought it will be repared in A3 but it isn't, so this is the thing that should be repared!
  2. Hello, I'm playing with friend some lan games, but some of the missions i can play only once then it start bugging like I can't interact with anything, it writes "This unit is unconscious", or when i start new game, appear a table with mission summary like when we lose the mission. Both games are original, so can anybody say what to do with it?
  3. VooDooCZ

    Lost Key v72.zulu

    Hey, I tried it and it's really great... But i have downloaded newest version of arma and now, it's not working... Are you going to update it? Or may i try to find somethin' else?