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  1. USARMY31B


    well i cant seem to find on how to port insurgency to a different map where can i find it
  2. USARMY31B


    I was wondering if I could port a insurgency mission on to reshman province how can I do that
  3. i need help on installing the R3F artillery and logistics script can anyone help
  4. i was wondering if i can put patrol ops 2 on my own mission but i dont know how
  5. i was wondering if i put all the files together or put them in separate folders #include <description-MSO.ext [] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Init-MSO.sqf"; #include <modules\recruitment\dialog_baf.hpp> #include <modules\recruitment\dialog_us.hpp> #include <modules\recruitment\TeamStatusDialog\TeamStatusDialog.hpp> Language,English,German #include "modules\recruitment\TeamStatusDialog\stringtable.csv" modules\recruitment\*.* 0 = this execVM "modules\recruitment\addAction.sqf"; if im doing this wrong can someone help me and when i try the missions it self it doesnt show the scripts i put in like the following
  6. im new to the arma series and looking for a realism unit to play with i only have arma 2 operation arrowhead also have the free version of arma 2 and ive heard they can run the mods also im looking for someone to help me with that as well so if theres any realism units out there thats recruiting im available feel free to contact me via steam pacquiao24 also im wanting to join a realism unit before i leave for bct for the army