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Everything posted by Louds

  1. Louds

    Daylight RP [coming soon]

    Hey ezcoo and qbt, sorry I haven't been able to help out. I've been very busy and haven't had time to get on. Also, I'm leaving for family tomorrow and won't be back till the 24th. Keep me updated! (By the way, I only made this account to make my summary and didn't have enough posts to PM);)
  2. Louds

    Daylight RP [coming soon]

    Hi, I'm Loudy, one of the testers for Daylight RP and I've decided to do a little review/summary from what I've seen while on the server with qbt and Ezcoo. First of all, the amount of detail and realism in unlike anything I've seen. Every picture you see is an unedited, ingame photo. The lighting effects are amazing (especially at night). Also, the amount of added objects adds to the map making it seem a lot more like a real place. I think qbt said there are around 3000-4000 added objects. They have edited almost every aspect of this game to make it so much better. The sounds effects will play a big part. From sirens, which have different sounds (You'll know if it's a cop behind you, or if it is an ambulance), to being in a fire fight and being able to hear your target reloading. They have added suppression so when you get shot you will know you are being shot at and shooting back will be a challenge. Firefights will be FIREFIGHTS, it's no longer a quick 5 sec fight. They have also added many objects that will make firefights more intense. From driving around I can tell you that you will have a lot of cover and winning a firefight will require tactics and teamwork. You can always go solo but you will have a hell of a time surviving. Being interdependent in this server is going to be extremely hard. Your going to be relying on other groups/people for different materials. I'm not going to say much more because I think it is a lot better if everything is a surprise! One thing is for sure though, THIS IS REAL RP. No longer any of that Taki Life bullshit.