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SGT Fuller

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Everything posted by SGT Fuller

  1. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Yes please!! And if you can make like a action video using all of the stuff plz do. That's what I really want
  2. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    send me a link to that id love to participate or watch
  3. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    upload started!!!
  4. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Rushing is a good way of me delaying this upload..i understand the excitement but please don't rush
  5. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    It would have been retired by 2035..plus i just dont feel like this pack needs to be any bigger..
  6. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    hello all Links will be up shortly. Doing one final look over really quick
  7. Hey guys i have two questions. First how would i go about having AGM lines in my config but avoid it being a dependency? basically is there a way for it to check for AGM and if it isnt there then it doesnt worry about it so you wont get a error saying AGM is needed. 2nd Question: I have a helmet that i want to give an option to lift the visor up and down..how would i go about this? Thanks in advance.
  8. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    They are there dont worry
  9. Description: The United States Air Force (USAF) is the aerial warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces and one of the seven American uniformed services. Opening: Welcome to the USAF mod. Ive played arma for awhile now but this is my first ever mod to the community. Little bit about myself i am prior Air Force Security forces Staff Sergeant(E-5) ive had my fair share of both of the wars majority in Iraq. I love to play military related games as an outlet but that's about it. For this mod i and my good friends have attempted to recreate some of the main assets of the USAF I hope you like what we have done for you the community members..I am very open to criticism but dont let it be crazy outright attacking criticism..I bite back :) This mod will be in a staged Alpha with more aircraft coming as we get closer to beta and Final release Story: The year 2030 Nato deployed to the island of stratis to help with calming the Civil War that has already taken more than 20,000 lives and causing widespread famine. Under President Albert Jamison, the United States deployed 4,000 troops to back Nato's cause. The United States Air Force began flying humanitarian missions dropping food and supplies to stratis citizens. After 5 years Nato and the newly formed AAF forces have ceased fighting and under pressure from the state goverment Nato ended its mission. C-17s and C-5s began flying out equipment and personel from startis when a coup began and the US base commander Navy Captain Ted Phillips was killed. President Jamison responded by bombing AAF strong points with B-1 Bombers and sent in US Special Forces to track down any remaining AAF members. Gen. Larry Stronghold Air Force Chief of Staff promised that Nato would control the Air by any means and tasked the 820th Security Forces Squadron with Asset Defense as well as counter insurgency missions. President Jamison along with Nato Commander Colonel Armstrong have already threatened that the Air Force will use any and all Air Power to take out any form of aggression towards Stratis, Altis and its Citizens. This add-on is released under Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Credits & Thanks: ARMA 3 game engine: Bohemia Interactive Project lead: Fuller and Peral Authors of original models: Muckep(C-5, KC-135,B-2, B-1) Footmunch(F-16) Peral(C-17) RavenDK(AC-130) Nes4day and team (F22) dezkit(Global Hawk) Theebu(C130J) EricJ (Weapons) Shockley (AFSOC) ADuke and Team (HH-60G) SP Craig(Security Forces units and pilots) Textures: Shockley, Peral, Orignal Authors Config and scripts by: Peral, Fuller, John Spartan, Dezkit, Randomslap Flight Model and animations by: Peral, Fuller and John Spartan Others: Myke (for Missilebox), THEBUCKFASTWINE, SMOKEDOG3PARA, DMM Jones(AC-130 Orbit Script), Meatball0311 (Gear), Alwarren(M4s), Massai(Weapons), theebu, Any and All members who helped make the models and textures for arma 2. ACE Mod and Team Changelog: v0.1 - Initial alpha Release v0.2 -KC-135's turn radius and take off speed have been fixed -KC-135's Gear issues have been fixed -The current AC-130 has been decommissioned and a newer version will be released with V 0.2 with the texture errors fixed -AC-130's weapon damage has been increased -AC-130's gear issues have been fixed. -B-1's Turning radius has been fixed -C-5 Galaxy turning radius has been fixed and markings on the Tail wing have been turned to proper direction -AC-130s Recoil not working for the L60 has been fixed. - USAF_SFS issues with pilots have been resolved. - Textures have been updated on AC-130 - B-1 Bombers speed has been increased to reflect real life. Afterburners are being fixed -KC-135 Aircraft upgrade and now equipped with hoses. Refueling Script upgraded by dezkit.. the aircraft now searches for the memory point and will connect at the exact spot. The aircraft will now deny you if you don't have the points needed. It will also only give you the appropriate refueling action Ex. Flying the F18 and you approach the KC135 and request refueling it will release a hose for you and will not lower the boom. If two F18's approach the KC135 it will release two hoses and not the boom. If the F16 approaches the KC135 it will lower the boom and will not release the hose. -KC-135 Boom Operator added(Its just a view more for ambience)(WIP) -AC-130 TV Operator Added -B-1 Bomb doors open as soon as you select bombs -C5 Textures upgraded -USAF mod pack reorginized by dezkit -User lisence and bikeys added -Classnames added -KC-130 redesignated as MC-130J Commando II -Textures totally redone -USAF Pilots authorized by Nato to carry Firearms and IR Grenades. -Security Forces Enlisted and Officers trained to use Nato Weapons. V0.2.1 Hotfix -Berets added back in for Security Forces members -Fixed B1 menu flickering -MC-130J Texture issue fixed -AC-130U Howtizer zeroing has been fixed -AC-130U TV moniter zeroing has been adjusted -AC-130U Weapons damage increased -AC-130U Vehicle_W_MG.paa and any RSC issue resolved -C130 Series White square issue resolved -AC-130U sounds lowered v0.2.2 Hotfix 2 -AC-130U RSC Issue Resolved -MC-130J Aerial refuel script fixed -C5 Galaxy Sound lowered -AC-130U Sound lowered again -AC-130U Howtizer damage upgraded again -C5 Galaxy far left engine issue fixed -C5 Galaxy Landing Gear issue fixed -AC-130U Orbit Script is now fully functional with zero errors -C130 series no longer fly like bricks instead has same manuverability as the AC-130 -Dedicated Server Key added -KC135 Flaps and landing gear upgraded -AC-130U Orbit Script Speed Increased v0.3 -CV-22 Osprey Added -RQ-4A Global Hawk Added -MQ-9 Reaper Added -HH-60G Pavehawk Added -USAF Special Operations added -AC-130U Gun animations added -USAF Weapons Pack Added -AC-130U Script warping fixed -KC135 Not rolling down runway due to BI update Fixed -MC-130 Refueling Script Camera Shacking fixed -Minor Adjustments made to previous aircraft -BI Key changed -Pilot Helmet and Vest UI pics updated -Credits Updated -Class names changed -C130 class wheels fixed
  10. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force

    Everything you will be getting everything that i have advertisied
  11. Where would I input the code at? Script or config
  12. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force

    Alright guys this Thursday will be the official launch date for the new and improved USAF Mod. It will give me some time to type a changelog, update. Just 2 days shy of the USAF MOD 1 year birthday but i wont be like that and keep yall from the goods :) see you then
  13. Hey rlex don't ask for updates brother its against forum rules
  14. I just made two versions of the helmet and one comes with the NVGs. Exploring the option to do just that though
  15. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force

    LMFAO I repair homes for a fee
  16. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force

    AFSOC, pilots and security forces that's it
  17. excellent i hope you plan to do some modern era subs for both NATO and CSAT
  18. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force

    I did say I would try by the 15th but guaranteed this month keep that in mind.
  19. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force

    hello all i would just like to let everyone know that i am in final stages of update which is MFDs. I am not great at them at all but if you know someone or you yourself are good at them please pm me or add me on steam, skype whichever. THanks
  20. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force

    Won't be in this pack. The B2 does not have them right now..but the f22 and the f35 do have them.
  21. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force

    The reaper is able to self designate and fire on its on laser. If your controlling the uav. Manually you will have to lase
  22. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force

    95% done all that is left is MFDs and the user function portion of the service menu where you can choose your own weapons instead of predetermined.