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SGT Fuller

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Everything posted by SGT Fuller

  1. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    1. I dont know 2. Put down the Game Logic AC130 (AI) and sync it to yourself and you can activate it through scroll wheel and choose the location to where you want it to come..the location cannot be updated until the ac130 leaves and you call it again. 3. Put down the Game Logic Call AC130 and sync it to yourself and you can activate it through scroll wheel and choose the location..and update the location to wherever you want until the time is up and the ac130 has to leave or you make it leave.
  2. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    im busy with trying to fix the errors guys and hopping back on the forums to answer questions is gonna push the release back. @wiki what exactly do you need help with?
  3. SGT Fuller

    Config.bin error

    Fixed i found the issue thanks guys
  4. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    the author has to make it compatable..no code
  5. SGT Fuller

    Config.bin error

    addon builder
  6. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Huh? i dont understand the question ---------- Post added at 16:29 ---------- Previous post was at 16:21 ---------- New sounds for the Planes brought to you by the one and only IntepridGaming they will be in the hotfix coming soon.
  7. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    This one is a rather easy fix and will be in the hotfix..we used a different Nuke in the past and had the same issue..switched and didn't even think about it..small overlook nothing more
  8. SGT Fuller

    Config.bin error

    Yes sir using notepad+++ and the rpt doesn't tell me the line..what you see above is what I get..all the time when I fire the 154..never before hand or anything
  9. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Currently I dont have plans to lower the sound but if I get more wishes for it then I will lower it. The effects look like 1950??! Wow dude.. I happen to like the script and the effects..impressively done by a very talented author. It's not heavy on computers at all..well when you make a script that has effects from a 2015 nuke let me know and I'll plug it right in.... I already know about the MP issue it will be taken care of. Keep in mind that this mod is still a alpha..that stuff will come you could just look over at the Arma 3 vanilla display and it will tell you how high you are....I know we go for realism to but I'm not worried about that at this point bugs are my only concern as of now...and cockpit update is a request not a bug...I'm not trying to be mean I'm really notams I know you said your not trying to be negative..but you need to choose your words wisely..when it comes to other people's work..they do this in there free time..for the community you are the only one by far that as said something like that and I don't like it nor appreciate it.. ---------- Post added at 05:03 ---------- Previous post was at 04:56 ---------- Hey wiki are you asking for how to get the plane to go into orbit or are you asking for a script to do these things as you are making like a mission or something? Sorry confuse
  10. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    One is for players who want to manually do everything. and one is for players who want to use the new script. I just forgot to take the other orbit script out of the old one
  11. SGT Fuller

    Config.bin error

    i took the /* off and still get config. bin 21:03:50 No owner 21:03:52 No owner 21:04:30 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin.'. 21:07:12 No owner 21:07:14 No owner I dont know where this stuff is coming from..
  12. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    i will look into this ---------- Post added at 00:41 ---------- Previous post was at 00:28 ---------- @Everyone. I am not taking requests right now. Please only post bugs on the github thank you ---------- Post added at 01:45 ---------- Previous post was at 00:41 ---------- how are you spawning these? edit: NVM Edit 2: If the aircraft does not have a bomb in its default loadout you cant use it for bombing. The F35A has two Jdams that can be used. The F16 doesnt..The F22 doesnt..the B2 when i change them over from Nukes to MK82s it will ---------- Post added at 02:07 ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 ---------- Progress list of hotfix as of 25 APR 15: B2 will not start if spawned Empty. FIXED Also it has a strange shadow error. When in external view with your gear retracted, a thin black line goes from the cockpit all the way through the plane. FIXED Bunker buster set up on B1 and B2 does not appear to be able to lock the GPS/INS (target does appear on radar.) FIXED AC-130U Spectre: vertical stabilizer part texture (where the sq. logo should be) blinks sometimes. Invisible baro probe is present (Same in Spooky a s I guess they share the same model).. M102 sound is silenced. Engine sounds disappears as soon as it's turned off. FIXED in the USAF drop down tab in the editor 'Empty>USAF>Air the very top icon appears in the shape of the B-2 but there is no label and when i place it down nothing appears FIXED B-2: Fuel issue, seems to be already reported, and no countermeasures? FIXED AC-130 (both): No sound on M102 fire. FIXED Your F-22 sounds amazing by the way, a bit loud. FIXED The E3 and KC135 don't have engine sounds. FIXED Trying to place an empty F22 in the Editor also makes the game crash, or rather freeze as your stuck with the loadscreen from then on. FIXED Still to do Also Police vics were changing to vanilla arma paint schemes. b2 The sound pops and then goes quiet, screen flashes white and the plane disappears and reappears on exterior view. Ailerons on the F-16 turn in the wrong direction. Zeus spawnlists
  13. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    retexturing is fine. no it wont be adjusted. Any textures can be submitted (if you want them to) and i can add them to the service menu and release them so everyone can share them. Understand that these are USAF vehicles and the only ones you would possibly see in another light as far as countries are the F-16, C130 and the C17. But its the armaverse and i wont turn down any textures.
  14. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    thanks just saw it will fix now EDIT: FIXED ---------- Post added at 21:19 ---------- Previous post was at 20:32 ---------- Ok guys post all issues/bugs here https://github.com/Fullerpj/United-States-Air-Force-Mod. Front page updated IF YOU SEE THE ERROR ALREADY IN THE ISSUE PORTION PLEASE DONT REPOST IT
  15. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Open the GPS/INS and select where you want to drop the bomb..fly near the target and press R and you will see the GPS target square in red. Once you are at a good distance a lock triangle or a circle should appear drop your bomb then. Yes the AI can use them.
  16. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    please read through the thread we have already addressed this issue....
  17. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    I tried to get one on devheaven but I'll try the one you mentioned ---------- Post added at 17:14 ---------- Previous post was at 17:12 ---------- I'll have to look at it try it on the C5
  18. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Roll your vehicle to the ramp of the plane and step to the left side or right side rear of the plane and you should get a load cargo option in red.
  19. Congrats on release
  20. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Can you be more specific when you say they fall out of the sky
  21. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Already told and fixed. In the service menu there are 4 boxes if you hover over them they have names and work one of them has the Mk82s. Please take your time to read through the thread so that i dont have to repeat answers :)
  22. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    not in this mod sorry..no other planes will be added ---------- Post added at 02:16 ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 ---------- Progress list of hotfix: - B2 will not start if spawned Empty. FIXED Also it has a strange shadow error. When in external view with your gear retracted, a thin black line goes from the cockpit all the way through the plane. FIXED Bunker buster set up on B1 and B2 does not appear to be able to lock the GPS/INS (target does appear on radar.) FIXED AC-130U Spectre: vertical stabilizer part texture (where the sq. logo should be) blinks sometimes. Invisible baro probe is present (Same in Spooky a s I guess they share the same model).. M102 sound is silenced. Engine sounds disappears as soon as it's turned off. FIXED in the USAF drop down tab in the editor 'Empty>USAF>Air the very top icon appears in the shape of the B-2 but there is no label and when i place it down nothing appears FIXED B-2: Fuel issue, seems to be already reported, and no countermeasures? FIXED AC-130 (both): No sound on M102 fire. FIXED Still to do Also Police vics were changing to vanilla arma paint schemes. Your F-22 sounds amazing by the way, a bit loud b2 The sound pops and then goes quiet, screen flashes white and the plane disappears and reappears on exterior view. The E3 and KC135 don't have engine sounds. Ailerons on the F-16 turn in the wrong direction. Trying to place an empty F22 in the Editor also makes the game crash, or rather freeze as your stuck with the loadscreen from then on Zeus spawnlists
  23. SGT Fuller

    [WIP] F-22 Raptor A3

    Your not the one putting in time to build this mods..i could care less if your disappointed at all..I make this for the community if you dont want to use it then dont. I hate it when members will fuss about a particular mod but wont put in one ounce of time into building one..so ppl can disrespect yours..
  24. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    The Spooky i forgot to take the system off there completely..that one is for legacy players that want to do everything manually. ---------- Post added at 23:35 ---------- Previous post was at 22:23 ---------- Looks like I'm doing a pdf because my net wants to be slow about uploading videos. I'll have them done when I tackle some more errors
  25. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    whats so tech savy about putting pbos in the folder? Anyways the next major update will have a new format so this problem wont happen again