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About inetpwnZ

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  1. Short description : The Problem I want that drinking give's blood I scripted it but it dosen't work This is the drinking function player_drink.sqf (drink works, giving blood dosen't work) private["_hasFood","_item","_text","_key","_config","_sfx"]; disableserialization; call gear_ui_init; _onLadder = (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> (animationState player) >> "onLadder")) == 1; if (_onLadder) exitWith {cutText [(localize "str_player_21") , "PLAIN DOWN"]}; if (vehicle player != player) exitWith {cutText ["You may not drink while in a vehicle", "PLAIN DOWN"]}; _item = _this; _hasdrinkitem = _this in magazines player; _config = configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _item; _text = getText (_config >> "displayName"); _sfx = getText (_config >> "sfx"); _regen = getNumber (_config >> "bloodRegen"); if (!_hasdrinkitem) exitWith {cutText [format[(localize "str_player_31"),_text,"drink"] , "PLAIN DOWN"]}; player playActionNow "PutDown"; player removeMagazine _item; sleep 1; [player,_sfx,0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak; r_player_blood = r_player_blood + _regen; if (r_player_blood > r_player_bloodTotal) then { r_player_blood = r_player_bloodTotal; }; if (_item == "ItemWaterbottle") then { player addMagazine "ItemWaterbottleUnfilled"; }; player setVariable ["messing",[dayz_hunger,dayz_thirst],true]; player setVariable["USEC_BloodQty",r_player_blood,true]; /* _update = player getVariable["updatePlayer",[false,false,false,false,false]]; _update set [4,true]; player setVariable["updatePlayer",_update,true]; */ _id = [player,20,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies; dayz_lastDrink = time; dayz_thirst = 0; //Ensure Control is visible _display = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_display'; _control = _display displayCtrl 1302; _control ctrlShow true; _bloodVal = r_player_blood / r_player_bloodTotal; if (_bloodVal >= 0.2) then { _ctrlBlood ctrlShow true; }; cutText [format[(localize "str_player_consumed"),_text], "PLAIN DOWN"]; The Class : config.cpp class CfgMagazines { class CA_Magazine; // External class reference class FoodDrink : CA_Magazine { isWater = 1; count = 1; type = 256; bloodRegen = 200; class ItemActions { class Drink { text = "$STR_inet_drink"; script = "spawn player_eat;"; }; // class Drink }; // class ItemActions }; // class FoodDrink class ItemSodaMdew : FoodDrink { scope = 2; sfx = "soda"; displayName = "$STR_EQUIP_NAME_37"; model = "\dayz_equip\models\soda_mdew.p3d"; picture = "\dayz_equip\textures\equip_soda_mdew_ca.paa"; descriptionShort = "$STR_EQUIP_NAME_37"; bloodRegen = 6000; }; // class ItemSodaMdew }; compiles.sqf player_drink = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\inet_main\actions\player_drink.sqf"; my prefix is set to z\addons\inet_main (Random question how does the init\compiles.sqf get executed ? Automatic like the config.cpp ?)
  2. Hey i am making and extended mod for DayZ The followed problem/issue is : *compiles.sqf* Code { player_drink = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\inet_main\actions\player_drink.sqf"; } The compiles is Located in \inet_main\init\compiles.sqf also. It seems like there is something wrong with the path the "player_drink.sqf" dosen't get executed is there anyway i can check it if it got executed ? is the \z\ necessary or just for files they are located in other addons or folders outside of inet_main? Greetings , inet pwnZ