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About Brando78

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  1. Brando78

    How to fill Truck with troops

    If you want to move in troops to a vehicle right at the start, you use the Moveincargo command. The vehicle you are using needs to have a name. You can find this text box when you double click the vehicle in the editor. You give the vehicle a name (ex. Truck). Then, you get all your troops and type this In the unit line: this moveInCargo Truck; And you need to do this for every troop and not just the leader of a squad. You can copy and past it so you don't have to keep typing it in :P
  2. I had this same problem and I have finally resolved it. I tried playing a few campaign missions and it wouldn't let me play some of them. I also went to the editor and discovered that there were also missing weapons and vehicles. So anyways, this is what I did: I went to steam, I right clicked arma 2 OA, I clicked properties, and then I did "backup files" and it downloaded almost 8 gigs of missing files. After that I could play OA with flying colours :D