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Everything posted by ben_sherman

  1. Hey everyone, I've been trying to figure this siren script out, well I've acctualy got the real game mode for this script, but some how I can't make it to work on an other game mode I'm working on. If anyone could help me with it why it's not working I would be realy pleased, when I activate the script it says Siren On, but nothing happens if I try to activate it agen it still says siren on. _this = _this select 3; _art = _this select 0; _vcl = vehicle player; _playtime = 120; _lichtstaerke = 0.3; _shortDur = 0.72; _longDur = 4.87; if (_art == "activate") then { if (isNil "SIREN_SirenePlaying") then { SIREN_SirenePlaying = false; }; if ((SIREN_SirenePlaying) or (!(player == (driver (vehicle player))))) exitWith {}; SIREN_SirenePlaying = true; _turnOn = false; if (call compile format["isNil(""%1_Sirene_on"")", _vcl]) then { _turnOn = true; } else { if (call compile format["not(%1_Sirene_on)", _vcl]) then { _turnOn = true; } else { _turnOn = false; }; }; if (_turnOn) then { format ["[0,0,0,[""client"", %1]] execVM ""siren.sqf"";", player] call broadcast; titletext["Siren on", "PLAIN DOWN"]; } else { call compile format["%1_Sirene_on = false; publicVariable ""%1_Sirene_on"";", _vcl]; titletext["Siren off", "PLAIN DOWN"]; }; sleep 1; SIREN_SirenePlaying = false; }; if (_art == "client") then { _vcl = vehicle (_this select 1); _driver = driver _vcl; _starttime = time; call compile format["%1_Sirene_on = true;", _vcl]; _light1 = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal (getpos _vcl); _light1 setLightBrightness _lichtstaerke; _light1 setLightAmbient [0, 0, 0.3]; _light1 setLightColor [0, 0, 0.5]; _light2 = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal (getpos _vcl); _light2 setLightBrightness _lichtstaerke; _light2 setLightAmbient [0.3, 0, 0]; _light2 setLightColor [0.5, 0, 0]; _lichtscript = [0,1,2,["licht", _vcl, [_light1, _light2]]] execVM "siren.sqf"; while {( ((time < _starttime+_playtime) or (_driver == driver _vcl)) and (alive _vcl) and (call compile format["%1_Sirene_on", _vcl]))} do { if (player distance _vcl < 500) then { if (speed _vcl == 0) then { sleep 1; } else { if (speed _vcl > 60) then { _vcl say ["Siren_Long", 1]; sleep _longDur; } else { _vcl say ["Siren_Short", 1]; sleep _shortDur; }; }; } else { sleep 5; }; if (isNull(_vcl)) exitWith {}; }; terminate _lichtscript; deleteVehicle _light1; deleteVehicle _light2; call compile format["%1_Sirene_on = nil;", _vcl]; }; if (_art == "licht") then { _vcl = _this select 1; _light1 = ((_this select 2) select 0); _light2 = ((_this select 2) select 1); while {true} do { if (player in _vcl) then { _light1 setLightBrightness (_lichtstaerke / 2); _light2 setLightBrightness (_lichtstaerke / 2); } else { _light1 setLightBrightness _lichtstaerke; _light2 setLightBrightness _lichtstaerke; }; _light1 lightAttachObject [_vcl, [0,0,0]]; sleep 0.15; LightDetachObject _light1; _light1 setpos [0,0,0]; sleep 0.075; _light2 lightAttachObject [_vcl, [0,0,0]]; sleep 0.15; LightDetachObject _light2; _light2 setpos [0,0,0]; sleep 0.075; _light1 lightAttachObject [_vcl, [0,0,0]]; sleep 0.15; LightDetachObject _light1; _light1 setpos [0,0,0]; sleep 0.5; _light2 lightAttachObject [_vcl, [0,0,0]]; sleep 0.15; LightDetachObject _light2; _light2 setpos [0,0,0]; sleep 0.5; }; }; I tried a simular one, which worked but it doesn't work to turn the sirens of without jumping out of the car, as well the other players don't see or hear anything.
  2. Hey Bistudio members, First of I'd like to thank the staff for allowing me to come here and ask questions. So here I have my problem, I'm working on a siren script which is working perfectly right now, but I want to make different PD skins different siren sounds. So if anyone could help me out I'd be pleased. Here is my code: if(iscop) then {if(vehicle player != player)then{[0,0,0,["activate"]] execVM "siren.sqf"; _handled=true;};}; Regards, Ben
  3. ben_sherman

    Police Sirens

    Please tell me that some one got this to work. I have the original one but I don't get it to work at all. And this one is so great works perfectly besides that you can't turn the sirens off...