Hey everyone,
I've been trying to figure this siren script out, well I've acctualy got the real game mode for this script, but some how I can't make it to work on an other game mode I'm working on.
If anyone could help me with it why it's not working I would be realy pleased, when I activate the script it says Siren On, but nothing happens if I try to activate it agen it still says siren on.
_this = _this select 3;
_art = _this select 0;
_vcl = vehicle player;
_playtime = 120;
_lichtstaerke = 0.3;
_shortDur = 0.72;
_longDur = 4.87;
if (_art == "activate") then
if (isNil "SIREN_SirenePlaying") then
SIREN_SirenePlaying = false;
if ((SIREN_SirenePlaying) or (!(player == (driver (vehicle player))))) exitWith {};
SIREN_SirenePlaying = true;
_turnOn = false;
if (call compile format["isNil(""%1_Sirene_on"")", _vcl]) then
_turnOn = true;
if (call compile format["not(%1_Sirene_on)", _vcl]) then
_turnOn = true;
_turnOn = false;
if (_turnOn) then
format ["[0,0,0,[""client"", %1]] execVM ""siren.sqf"";", player] call broadcast;
titletext["Siren on", "PLAIN DOWN"];
call compile format["%1_Sirene_on = false; publicVariable ""%1_Sirene_on"";", _vcl];
titletext["Siren off", "PLAIN DOWN"];
sleep 1;
SIREN_SirenePlaying = false;
if (_art == "client") then
_vcl = vehicle (_this select 1);
_driver = driver _vcl;
_starttime = time;
call compile format["%1_Sirene_on = true;", _vcl];
_light1 = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal (getpos _vcl);
_light1 setLightBrightness _lichtstaerke;
_light1 setLightAmbient [0, 0, 0.3];
_light1 setLightColor [0, 0, 0.5];
_light2 = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal (getpos _vcl);
_light2 setLightBrightness _lichtstaerke;
_light2 setLightAmbient [0.3, 0, 0];
_light2 setLightColor [0.5, 0, 0];
_lichtscript = [0,1,2,["licht", _vcl, [_light1, _light2]]] execVM "siren.sqf";
while {( ((time < _starttime+_playtime) or (_driver == driver _vcl)) and (alive _vcl) and (call compile format["%1_Sirene_on", _vcl]))} do
if (player distance _vcl < 500) then
if (speed _vcl == 0) then
sleep 1;
if (speed _vcl > 60) then
_vcl say ["Siren_Long", 1];
sleep _longDur;
_vcl say ["Siren_Short", 1];
sleep _shortDur;
sleep 5;
if (isNull(_vcl)) exitWith {};
terminate _lichtscript;
deleteVehicle _light1;
deleteVehicle _light2;
call compile format["%1_Sirene_on = nil;", _vcl];
if (_art == "licht") then
_vcl = _this select 1;
_light1 = ((_this select 2) select 0);
_light2 = ((_this select 2) select 1);
while {true} do
if (player in _vcl) then
_light1 setLightBrightness (_lichtstaerke / 2);
_light2 setLightBrightness (_lichtstaerke / 2);
_light1 setLightBrightness _lichtstaerke;
_light2 setLightBrightness _lichtstaerke;
_light1 lightAttachObject [_vcl, [0,0,0]];
sleep 0.15;
LightDetachObject _light1;
_light1 setpos [0,0,0];
sleep 0.075;
_light2 lightAttachObject [_vcl, [0,0,0]];
sleep 0.15;
LightDetachObject _light2;
_light2 setpos [0,0,0];
sleep 0.075;
_light1 lightAttachObject [_vcl, [0,0,0]];
sleep 0.15;
LightDetachObject _light1;
_light1 setpos [0,0,0];
sleep 0.5;
_light2 lightAttachObject [_vcl, [0,0,0]];
sleep 0.15;
LightDetachObject _light2;
_light2 setpos [0,0,0];
sleep 0.5;
I tried a simular one, which worked but it doesn't work to turn the sirens of without jumping out of the car, as well the other players don't see or hear anything.