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About razzi

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  1. Hello and thanks for feedback! I've had no luck with this so far. I fixed the last issue by correcting the infantry types I had added. I had added CDF infantries to infantrytypes wich of course was a bit stupid and messed up the AI. But new problems arise! Now AI messes up when I create some "static" enemies in mission editor. I have created bases to NW airfield and Polana Factory to have more tasks to do (static ones because I can't script those awesome random location bases you have made!) but when I create enemies to Opfor the AI stops shooting back. Starting position guards work fine and so does the search chopper but other than those, they just simply patrol and don't act as hostiles. Deleting those created enemies makes the mission work again. Created enemies have been on Opfor and Russian/Insurgent types. Love the "enhancing" effect so far. More enemies with different weapons really makes this one a challenge. You just can't loot one body now and be done with it, you have to conserve ammo and ambush patrols to get more. Would love to have random gear script for spawned enemies to add m4a1/m14/m16 etc. to the mix. If you wanna take closer look to help me out or just to test it, I upped it to my dropbox account: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/102123234/co08_Escape_BlobRaZziv2.Chernarus.rar
  2. Hey. Thanks for your map, its awesome. We LOVE it! I have also tweaked it a little to make it a bit harder. I started scripting Arma 2 yesterday, so I'm completely noob at it and was wondering if you could help me with this one problem I have. I've raised minimun and maximum enemy counts etc, added new weapons to ammo boxes, lowered item counts in ammo boxes (So there is not 40 magazines to ak's etc)and in civilian vehicles, added more vehicles to civilians and to enemies. But sometimes the vehicles spawned / patrol groups don't shoot back. Infact, they don't attack at all. Could the problem be in the infantrytypes? I have added almost all Ru/Rus/MVD and some takistani infantrytypes(the ones that fit to chernarus landscape). Something to do with the side=east/west those types have? Almost everything else we have tweaked is just something like minenemyskill and maxunitsingroup so I don't think that would cause the AI to behave like that. Is there a way to force enemies spawned to certain side? Would love to have more infantry types in this mission, imagine patrolling guards with few ghillie suit snipers armed with KSVK's... And with more weapon types the enemies have, the less likely we are getting more ammo to the weapons we use = Harder mission overall. The mission also needs 1 or 2 tasks more. Thanks.