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Everything posted by Guster

  1. I have a pretty decent gaming computer that i built a year ago that can run every game i throw at it with maxed settings, except for ARMA 2. Spec: -Gtx 480 1.5gb -Phenom ii x4 980 4.0ghz -16gb ram -1tb black. http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/5236/poopgz.png (127 kB) I play multiplier most of the time and a lot on Chenarus. My fps when in the middle of the woods is around 40-55, in cherno 15-19. and elektro is even worse. 12-15fps. Another thing i noticed with arma 2, and only arma 2, my Gpu usage is from 20-30%. I was talking to a friend about this issue and he recommended i purchase a ssd. The one i am currently looking at is an OCZ RevoDrive 3: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820227740 So my question is will this really help or is there just something wrong?