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Everything posted by Hawken

  1. Tearing my hair out!! Our markers doest not save when restarting the server.. other stuff stays but not the fricking markers.. and we are using ALiVE markers yes. Please help
  2. Could you send it to me? I have a working mission but i love to check other peoples settings
  3. We have a problem when starting a mission after playing, none of the alive markers are saved. We are saving everything the correct way but the markers are never on the map. Also if we clear a town that is closest to us and a bit more after it, the enemies always spawn in full numbers after starting the mission after we have played on it, vehicles and such are at the last place we left them so it should be saving then right? Edit - Never mind, just me being stupid. Somehow i managed to screw up player data module hehe..
  4. Same issue as him, and yes i have
  5. 1. Has anyone managed to have multiple spawnpoints with "respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition"};" becasuse when we rejoin the server after playing we dont spawn at our last location, instead we spawn at one random spawnpoint (we have a base spawn and 2 mhq) respawnOnStart = 0; does not stop this from happening, alive dosent load our persistent location. 2. In asymmetric mode, i have no controll over how many enemies spawn around us, there is always 50 or more enemys in total and it lags the server and makes it too hard, we want only a few to spawn at a time, how to fix that?
  6. Hawken

    Driving horrible...

    Yes this is true, but this IS alpha and also the alpha is an infantry focused release. I am sure all of this will be fixed later on, i believe that beta is air and full game will get everything tweaked. Still i like the new driving handling feels better than A2 tbh.
  7. Hawken

    The evil "G"-button!

    I'm going to use this as an excuse to teamkill my friends in our first op! :)