I understand that the inclusion of tank interiors could ostensibly take a lot of work; however, I fail to see how that stance alone disqualifies their implementation. The previous incarnation of this game already has cockpits and interiors for fighters, helicopters and let's not forget the Bradley IFV. I don't see how making the leap to the interior of the M1 after modelling the interior of a Bradley is going to drastically affect the man hours at BI. As far as situational awareness is concerned; let's not forget the announcement that Arma 3 is going to include WORKING MFDs. How could a commander of our imaginary M1 not function if he could use the numpad keys to articulate the exterior camera (Being displayed on the MFD) and the mouse to rotate his head within the station as necessary? Is modelling the interior of a tank without clickable buttons really that much more difficult than modeling the (Classified) interior of an F-35 cockpit? Perhaps I'm just speaking out of technological ignorance, but it seems to me that being able to turn my head around in first person and seeing the interior armor plating, warning labels, switches, buttons and materials of a Bradley IFV is not hugely different from being able to do the same thing in an M1. Doesn't sound like such an outlandish request to be made of professional video game developers.