Hey guys so i made this addon but it got deleted now im trying to remake it i pack everything in the PBO but when i try to use action it says "To_Gunner.sqf Not Found" heres what the files look like.
_veh = _this select 0;
//Swap Actions
_veh addAction ["Move To Gunner" , "To_Gunner.sqf",[],0,false,false,"","(isplayer (driver _target)) and !(isplayer (gunner _target))"];
_veh addAction ["Move To Driver" , "To_Driver.sqf",[],0,false,false,"","!(isplayer (driver _target)) and (isplayer (gunner _target))"];
private ["_veh","_driver","_gunner"];
_veh = _this select 0;
_driver = driver _veh;
_gunner = gunner _veh;
_gunner setpos [0,0,1];
_gunner setVelocity [0, 0, 0];
waituntil {((_veh emptypositions "Gunner") == 1)};
_driver action ["moveTogunner", _veh];
_gunner moveindriver _veh;
_gunner assignasdriver _veh;
private ["_veh","_driver","_gunner"];
_veh = _this select 0;
_driver = driver _veh;
_gunner = gunner _veh;
_driver setpos [0,0,1];
_driver setVelocity [0, 0, 0];
waituntil {((_veh emptypositions "Driver") == 1)};
_gunner action ["moveToDriver", _veh];
_driver moveinGunner _veh;
_driver assignasGunner _veh;
class CfgPatches
class gunner_switch
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 1.0;
requiredAddons[] = {"Extended_EventHandlers"};
class Extended_Init_EventHandlers
// Define the classes to add inits to.
class Air
// Add init lines to be run on all units that inherit from this class.
gunner_switch_Init_Air="_this execVM ""\gunner_switch\Swap_Actions.sqf"";";
$PBOPREFIX$: gunner_switch
Now when i pack all of those into a PBO then try to use it in game i scroll to action switch to gunner and it gives me this error: "To_Gunner.sqf Not Found" Any ideas? Thanks
---------- Post added at 23:09 ---------- Previous post was at 22:55 ----------
Oh yeah used BINPBO to pack