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About ninjablooper

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  1. I've been having some serious troubleshooting issues. I originally had the "no entry" bug, but fixed it via a modline (-mod=D:\Steam\SteamApps\Common\ArmA 2;EXPANSION;ca-nosplash). After fixing that although I get to the part on loadup where it says "Bohemia Interactive" then I get the bad serial message. The method that seems to work for most is this one, but I am having a major problem with it. I do the steps in blue I assume properly, but when I complete them the result (as highlighted in red) does not occur. I still only see "1 file named "(Default)" And type REG_SZ." Anyone else running into this problem? Arma 2 runs fine, this problem only occurs when I attempt to run Operation Arrowhead. And before anyone asks, yes I've tried running it as an administrator.