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About shotgun509

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  1. the CAF mod by Ohally and theebu is by no means being stopped. the main problem with trying to update the public betas that we are updating our private version more then weekly. from what i have heard the modders just dont have time to update two separate modpacks AND run an entire unit at the same time. still, i do admire your work. instead of sending random hate mail to people who have real lives to attend to you are making an effort to put out content you can use.
  2. can anyone explain why my download speed will drop from at least 2 mB/s to 250 kB/s at the end of a download causing the down to take at least 3 times longer then it should
  3. shotgun509

    trouble with 7zip addon

    thanks alot i now have the mod installed
  4. i was try to install the operation northstar mod but it came in a 7zip file so i extracted all the files and there in one folder and thats where i got stuck. i was supposed to put them into the arma 2 addons folder but i couldn't find that folder witch i think is caused by me having the steam version. any feed back would be appreciated.