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Everything posted by Graz

  1. It's worse then that. I have recently become aware that in addition to icewindos units, the dayz-origins team had been using a fair amount of other peoples work, without credit and selling their services for money. So Far: The day/night cycle was taken from another mod (Dayz redux) without credit Many of their 'surivor-made' units are taken from Dayz 2017, with no acknowledgement. I wouldn't be surprised if code was stolen from 2017 either (I haven't confirmed either way) Bugfixes I created for Taviana Island have been put into the map, not released publicly and no credit is given. Icewindo's Hazmats are being used without his permission (afaik) and no credit is given. (These may have been taken out, not %100 sure) Some (small) Dayz Namalsk coding was taken aswell, with no credit given What's really scummy is that someone would make this kind of thread, then turn around and support a website that is doing exactly the same stealing. Absolutely poor form but Taviana has been a cursed, sub-par map from day 1 because of ego and greed. It's a shame, because it had such potential as a map!!!
  2. I've been trying to initiate an an storm by using a public variable as a boolean. It's for multiplayer, with JIP on a dedicated server. The server handles the probability of a storm occurring and the client executes the effects. It all worked perfectly without the variable, but now it's not returning anything. This is the first time I've use a public or global variable so I'm sure I've just made a rookie mistake! Here's the code: mission init.sqf: //Storm pulse if (isDedicated) then { [] execVM "weather/storm_pulse.sqf"; }; //Storm if (!isDedicated) then { [] execVM "weather/storm.sqf"; }; [/Code] This is the storm_pulse.sqf [Code] //Storm testing while {true} do { sleep 120; Grazstorm = True; publicVariable "Grazstorm"; }; [/Code] And the loop and call in storm.sqf [u]This isn't the whole code, just the relevant parts[/u] [Code] [] spawn { _delay = 3; sleep 0.01; while {true} do { if (Grazstorm = true) then { _delay setovercast 0.9; _delay setrain 1; _delay setfog bis_fog; sleep _delay ; }; }; }; //It's called again here while {true} do { if (Grazstorm = true) then { //A metric ton of code I've removed }; sleep 0.2; }; [/Code] I have no idea how this isn't working!!! Squint didn't have any errors and the effects worked perfectly until I put in these checks. Does anyone know where I've ballsed up?
  3. Edit: forgot to say thanks for posting back :) Is that different from = true? Or is it just a lot cleaner?
  4. your on the right track, open up the BAF cfgvehicle and look at all the different british backpack load outs. it's pretty much you just inherit a backpack and make a new one ie BackpackSakai: bagbase Then just set the default items for it like your doing.
  5. I've been hoping to add NVG to an Eotech Scope. Using visionMode[] = {"Normal","NVG"}; works, but it illuminates the whole screen. Does anyone know how to make is so the holo scope is the only thing displayed in NVG? A visual (shoddy MS paint) representation is changing this http://imageshack.us/a/img43/9204/arma2oa2013013017275053.jpg Into this http://imageshack.us/a/img405/6953/arma2oa2013013017274459.jpg I've no idea where to start so any help would be geatly appreciated.
  6. That's not a bad idea, it would require a significant rework. Would it be easier to just have the holo as NVG and everything else outside as black? How would I go about doing that.
  7. Actually it's just the scope used in the SCAR sniper above: class StepScope { opticsID = 1; useModelOptics = 1; opticsPPEffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera1", "OpticsBlur1"}; opticsZoomMin = 0.087666; opticsZoomMax = 0.035972; opticsZoomInit = 0.087666; memoryPointCamera = "eye"; opticsFlare = true; opticsDisablePeripherialVision = true; distanceZoomMin = 100; distanceZoomMax = 100; cameraDir = ""; visionMode[] = {"Normal"}; discreteDistance[] = {50, 100, 200, 300}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 1; }; }; I'm not seeing which part limits the vision to the scope or sets the Scope to only show NVG. :(
  8. I'm not seeing anything that answers the question in there: class SCAR_H_STD_TWS_SD : SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD { scope = public; model = "\Ca\weapons_E\SCAR\mk17_std_tws_sup_grip"; modelOptics = "\Ca\weapons_E\LWTS_optic.p3d"; opticsPPEffects[] = {}; visionMode[] = {"Ti"}; thermalMode[] = {0, 1}; opticsZoomMin = 0.1606; opticsZoomMax = 0.1606; opticsZoomInit = 0.1606; distanceZoomMin = 100; distanceZoomMax = 100; dexterity = 1.68; displayName = $STR_EP1_DN_SCAR_H_STD_TWS_SD; picture = "\Ca\weapons_E\data\icons\mk17_std_tws_sup_grip_CA.paa"; UiPicture = "\CA\weapons\data\Ico\i_regular_CA.paa"; irDistance = 100; class OpticsModes : OpticsModes { class StepScope : StepScope { opticsPPEffects[] = {}; opticsZoomMin = 0.1606; opticsZoomMax = 0.1606; opticsZoomInit = 0.1606; memoryPointCamera = "eye"; distanceZoomMin = 100; distanceZoomMax = 100; visionMode[] = {"Ti"}; thermalMode[] = {0, 1}; }; }; [/Code] It's interesting that it uses the StepScope, I'm not sure what that is O.o
  9. I've been toying with the idea of a putting a loading screen into a mission.pbo, so it shows mine instead of the standard arma II screen. Does anyone know a good tut for this as I was unsuccessful in finding one here :(
  10. It's easier then it looks, but you need to know what your doing. If your ok with depboing and repboing (which will wreck any .bisign attached to it) it's very simple, as you can just copy+paste the vehicle throw a _custom to it's class name and go from there. Creating your own mod will need external references, so you'll need to reference the soldier then build your own. Make a copy of things like wheeled.pbo and wheeled_e.pbo (the common and expansion wheeled vehicles) and look at how they do it. A really good example to look at is the TK vehicles, as they are taken (via references) from the regular vehicle bases.
  11. Can you please put up how you managed to implement it? Will save someone like you in the future.
  12. I recently made a really, really simple script for time changing. Essentially it just advances time from dusk (when it goes pitchblack) to moonrise, the reason is to eliminate pitch black game-play. I attempted to test it by using the 3d editor, setting the time in intel to 18:30 and then executing the script in the init line of an object. I'm hoping the issue is in how I tested it. The script is really basic, I'll post it here:It uses a while do loop and runs every 5 minutes. //moonrise while {true} do { private ["_timeG"]; _timeG = daytime; if (_timeg >= 17.5 && _timeg <= 21.5) then { setDate [2008, 11, 20, 21, 35]; } else {hint "time is ok!"}; sleep 300; }; [/Code] No errors but it doesn't change the time. The only two commands I'm using are daytime and setdate. Is it my testing or is there something wrong with the script? What's the best way to test if a script like this is working?
  13. The title says it all. I've tried a few ways, dropping vehicles on them, spawning grenades using a script. It doesn't feel very efficient, is there a way to set the damage on buildings in the editor? I'm talking about the buildings that come with maps, not ones you put in yourself! In particular I'd like some partial destruction to the buildings, similar to if they'd been hit by a tank shell, does anyone know a way to do this?
  14. Yahtzee, Any idea what seed means? I must be automatically writing floor into the random, which would be why it's being more extreme! Hopefully I can use a combination of destroy cities function and the leveling one.
  15. (random 1) is completely healthy or destroyed correct? To damage a building you need fractions such as .8 or .5. Maybe ((random 2) x .5)?
  16. I've been recently given a LARGE (6-7mb) mission.sqm. The bulk is objects (wreckage, smoke, military buildings) and I remembered that rocket added a ton of junk to the chernarus map without using the mission.sqm to do it. 7mb is way too big for a mission file, does anyone know how to turn the terrain changes into an addon? That way it only needs to be downloaded once and save a ton of bandwidth / performance. while I'm here, has anyone come accross a good permanent fire object/addon? I would like to make some buildings look like they are burning :)
  17. I also had an additional question. The cfgTownGenerator looks very similar to the mission file output, does anyone know a good conversion tool or parse script?
  18. Oh that's lovely! Tested and leveled a whole town, which is just amazing. How about partial destruction? Would it just be simplest to spawn an artillery shell where I want the damage?
  19. Like the title says. I've had some issues with a small script. It's designed to check an object (BYBox) and then if the right items are in it it takes them out and runs a vehicle spawning script. My syntax is rubbish, but I've attempted to run it and am having no luck BYBox setvehicleLock "LOCKED"; sleep 0.1; //Build Arrays private ["_cost", "_inv", "_wheel", "_scrap"]; _cost = [ ["PartWheel", 2], ["PartGeneric", 2] ]; _inv = BYBox call BIS_fnc_invstring; _wheel = {_x=="PartWheel"} count _inv; //PROBLEM AREA _scrap = {_x=="PartGeneric" } count _inv; //PROBLEM AREA //Check Box if (_wheel > 2 && _scrap > 2) then { {BYBox removeMagazine _x } forEach _cost; //PROBLEM AREA hint "It works!"; } else { hint "you didn't have enough!!"; }; sleep 0.1; BYBox setVehicleLock "Unlocked"; Is there any reason this isn't working. I think my understanding of Foreach and Count are wrong >_<
  20. Seems to work, but I placed the items and it was telling me that I didn't have enough. I'm thinking maybe it wasn't checking the right object. I've named a crate BYBox in the editor, am I referring to it correctly or do I need another way?
  21. Thanks for the heads up Ian, looks like I have some work to do!!! The main reason I wanted an addon is so that it's streamlined, the number of people that run the map is a few thousand and as an addon it's much more stable. The map I'm using is Celle and it's very 'clean' for a town that's been ravaged by war! As a point of interested, if I did build a military camp in the cfgTownGenerator will the buildings come up on the in game map? How can I toggle stuff to show in the map? I'd like most of it to show up, but there's a plant I wouldn't mind being unmarked!
  22. Graz

    In over my head

    Be careful doing that kind of stuff. Most people are ok with you using their stuff: PROVIDED that you take the time to write them an email and ask. Some people work really hard on models/textures and it's a little upsetting to see someone use it with no kudos. I can't help much with the modelling but getting permissions will keep you out of trouble :)
  23. Excellent, I'll try and crank it up today. I'm fairly excited about this, thank you so much for the help so far!
  24. That's a bit disappointing, but there is some light. I wouldn't say I'm a fan of hours of boring, but I'm very interested in adding some more mission specific stuff into my Celle map and I'm strongly against altering moondkalbs map. Is the town generator an alternative? If not is the way to do this: create a map-enhancement.sqf and create vehicles with copy+pasted positions?